March 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Mar 1 21:24:29 EST 2003
Ending: Mon Mar 31 23:17:42 EST 2003
Messages: 339
- double shot of snake oil, good conclusion
- meet in the middle attacks
Jeffrey Altman
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
- Comments/summary on unicity discussion
Joseph Ashwood
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
Derek Atkins
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
Derek Atkins
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
Derek Atkins
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
Derek Atkins
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
Derek Atkins
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
Derek Atkins
- meet in the middle attacks
Derek Atkins
- NSA being used to influence UN votes on Iraq
Adam Back
- double shot of snake oil, good conclusion
Hagai Bar-El
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
Hagai Bar-El
- NIST Key Mgmt. Drafts
Elaine Barker
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
Steven M. Bellovin
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Steven M. Bellovin
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Steven M. Bellovin
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Steven M. Bellovin
- Roger Needham Died - from The Register
Matt Blaze
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
Matt Blaze
- How useful is
Matt Blaze
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Nikita Borisov
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Jurgen Botz
- Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL
Marc Branchaud
- Fw:Fraud & voting machines
Richard Guy Briggs
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ian Brown
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ian Brown
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Douglas F. Calvert
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Douglas F. Calvert
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Peter Clay
- Tools for anonymous blogging
Ben Cox
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Ben Cox
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Matt Crawford
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Matt Crawford
- 3-rotor enigma on ebay: $5200
Don Davis
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period
John S. Denker
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
John S. Denker
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
John S. Denker
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
Tim Dierks
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period
Tim Dierks
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
Tim Dierks
- Proven Primes
Tim Dierks
- Columbia crypto box
Dave Emery
- Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks
Dave Emery
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Dave Emery
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Dave Emery
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Adam Fields
- Columbia crypto box
Bill Frantz
- Scientists question electronic voting
Bill Frantz
- Proven Primes
Bill Frantz
- 3-rotor enigma on ebay: $5200
Bill Frantz
- Proven Primes
Bill Frantz
- Proven Primes
Bill Frantz
- Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks
Bill Frantz
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Bill Frantz
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
James M Galvin
- 3-rotor enigma on ebay: $5200
Daniel Garcia
- double shot of snake oil, good conclusion
Tal Garfinkel
- double shot of snake oil, good conclusion
Tal Garfinkel
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Jeroen van Gelderen
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Jeroen van Gelderen
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Jeroen van Gelderen
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Jeroen van Gelderen
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Jeroen van Gelderen
- Proven Primes
Jeroen C. van Gelderen
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Jeroen C. van Gelderen
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Jeroen C. van Gelderen
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Jeroen C. van Gelderen
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Jeroen C. van Gelderen
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Jeroen C. van Gelderen
- double shot of snake oil, good conclusion
Ed Gerck
- Comments/summary on unicity discussion
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- double shot of snake oil, good conclusion
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- multiple system - Re: Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- Scientists question electronic voting
Ed Gerck
- double shot of snake oil, good conclusion
Ed Gerck
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ed Gerck
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ed Gerck
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ed Gerck
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ed Gerck
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ed Gerck
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ed Gerck
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ed Gerck
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Ed Gerck
- ADMIN: subscribers in danger
Jim Gillogly
- NSA being used to influence UN votes on Iraq
John Gilmore
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
John Gilmore
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
John Gilmore
- GPS phones confiscated from reporters in Iraq
John Gilmore
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Lucky Green
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Lucky Green
- Scientists question electronic voting
Francois Grieu
- How effective is open source crypto?
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ian Grigg
- Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL
Peter Gutmann
Dave Harte
- [Lucrative-L] extensive cryptanalysis of Lucre
R. A. Hettinga
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
R. A. Hettinga
- Delta Air Lines Boycott Underway (note revised URL: www.boycottdelta.ORG)
R. A. Hettinga
- Report of plans by U.S. to spy on U.N. states questioned
R. A. Hettinga
- Changes may follow Yale hoax e-mail
R. A. Hettinga
- Harnessing Atoms to Create Superfast Computers
R. A. Hettinga
- [IP] Inter-University Competition in Information Assurance
R. A. Hettinga
- 2nd announcement for ECC 2003
R. A. Hettinga
- Recognizing the Dance on the Dotted Line
R. A. Hettinga
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
R. A. Hettinga
- Recent IOTP and ECML publiccations
R. A. Hettinga
- Network Associates Plans Another Restatement of Results
R. A. Hettinga
- New Voting Systems Assailed
R. A. Hettinga
- GPS phones confiscated from reporters in Iraq
R. A. Hettinga
- voting, etc...
Gregory Hicks
- Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks
Gregory Hicks
- Comments/summary on unicity discussion
Joshua Hill
- Tools for anonymous blogging
R. Hirschfeld
- REQ: Review of Nigel Smart's "Introduction to Cryptography"
Jaap-Henk Hoepman
- Applied Cryptography: question on skid3
David Hopwood
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Dave Howe
- Scientists question electronic voting
David Howe
- Scientists question electronic voting
David Howe
- NSA being used to influence UN votes on Iraq
John Ioannidis
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
John Ioannidis
- double shot of snake oil, good conclusion
Neil Johnson
- Interception of Telecommunications in Germany
Stefan Kelm
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Stefan Kelm
- Scientists question electronic voting
John Kelsey
- multiple system - Re: Scientists question electronic voting
John Kelsey
- Scientists question electronic voting
John Kelsey
- Encryption of data in smart cards
John Kelsey
- Encryption of data in smart cards
John Kelsey
- Scientists question electronic voting
(Mr) Lyn R. Kennedy
- Scientists question electronic voting
(Mr) Lyn R. Kennedy
- Scientists question electronic voting
(Mr) Lyn R. Kennedy
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
(Mr) Lyn R. Kennedy
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
(Mr) Lyn R. Kennedy
- Proven Primes
Tero Kivinen
- Proven Primes
Tero Kivinen
- Proven Primes
Tero Kivinen
- Proven Primes
Tero Kivinen
- Another side channel weakness in the SSL/TLS
Vlastimil Klima
- Tools for anonymous blogging
Dylan Knobold
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Werner Koch
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Werner Koch
- 3-rotor enigma on ebay: $5200
Carsten Kuckuk
- 3-rotor enigma on ebay: $5200
Peter Kuhm
- Proven Primes
Ben Laurie
- Proven Primes
Ben Laurie
- Proven Primes
Ben Laurie
- Proven Primes
Ben Laurie
- Proven Primes
Ben Laurie
- Lucre paper updated
Ben Laurie
- Proven Primes
Ben Laurie
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ben Laurie
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Ben Laurie
- Test Vectors?
Ben Laurie
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Eugen Leitl
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Eugen Leitl
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
Eugen Leitl
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
Eugen Leitl
- Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL (fwd)
Eugen Leitl
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Eugen Leitl
- Proven Primes
Jack Lloyd
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
Sidney Markowitz
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
Sidney Markowitz
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Sidney Markowitz
- Scientists question electronic voting
Rebecca Mercuri
- NSA being used to influence UN votes on Iraq
Perry E. Metzger
- ADMIN: voting, etc...
Perry E. Metzger
- ADMIN: subscribers in danger
Perry E. Metzger
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed caught partially by Echelon?
Perry E. Metzger
- Supreme Court Refuses to Review Wiretaps Ruling
Perry E. Metzger
- meet in the middle attacks
Perry E. Metzger
- yes, I know...
Perry E. Metzger
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Perry E. Metzger
- Applied Cryptography: question on skid3
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period
- Annoucement: Initial release of Poindexter is available
James Moore
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
Russell Nelson
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
Russell Nelson
- Proven Primes
Nomen Nescio
- Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL
Nomen Nescio
- Cryptoprocessors compliant with FIPS 140-2
Damien O'Rourke
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Michael Owen
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Trevor Perrin
- Encryption of data in smart cards
N. Raghavendra
- Encryption of data in smart cards
N. Raghavendra
- ENC: Proven Primes
Mads Rasmussen
- REQ: Review of Nigel Smart's "Introduction to Cryptography"
Mads Rasmussen
- SV: REQ: Review of Nigel Smart's "Introduction to Cryptography"
Mads Rasmussen
- RES: Test Vectors?
Mads Rasmussen
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Kashmir crypto
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Hermes Remailer
- How effective is open source crypto?
Eric Rescorla
- How effective is open source crypto?
Eric Rescorla
- How effective is open source crypto? (bad form)
Eric Rescorla
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Eric Rescorla
- Scientists question electronic voting
Dan Riley
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
Ronald L. Rivest
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
Will Rodger
- Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)
Will Rodger
- Some good words needed...
Greg Rose
- Proven Primes
Greg Rose
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Rich Salz
- Cryptoprocessors compliant with FIPS 140-2
Rich Salz
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Rich Salz
- How useful is
Rich Salz
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Len Sassaman
- New release of Invisible IRC available
Steve Schear
- Groove shills for the DoD: Kapor quits board
Steve Schear
- Tools for anonymous blogging
Steve Schear
- IIP 1.1.0 released (reformatted as plain text)
Steve Schear
- Tools for anonymous blogging
Steve Schear
- In-line Internet/crypto device
Steve Schear
- Spammers Would Be Made To Pay Under IBM Research Proposal
Steve Schear
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Seth David Schoen
- prime proofs
Richard Schroeppel
- Scientists question electronic voting
Adam Shostack
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Adam Shostack
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Adam Shostack
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Adam Shostack
- Delta CAPPS-2 watch: decrypt boarding passes!
Roy M. Silvernail
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
William Allen Simpson
- Scientists question electronic voting
Notable Software
- Roger Needham Died - from The Register
Bill Stewart
- Proven Primes
Bill Stewart
- Scientists question electronic voting
Bill Stewart
- Scientists question electronic voting
Bill Stewart
- Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks
Bill Stewart
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
Bill Stewart
- Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL
Bill Stewart
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
Bill Stewart
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Bill Stewart
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
Bill Stewart
- Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL (fwd)
Bill Stewart
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Bill Stewart
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Bill Stewart
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Bill Stewart
- Proven Primes
Anton Stiglic
- Scientists question electronic voting
Anton Stiglic
- Scientists question electronic voting
Anton Stiglic
- Proven Primes
Anton Stiglic
- Scientists question electronic voting
Anton Stiglic
- Proven Primes
Anton Stiglic
- prime proofs
Anton Stiglic
- Proven Primes
Anton Stiglic
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
Anton Stiglic
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Anton Stiglic
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
Anton Stiglic
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
Anton Stiglic
- Cryptoprocessors compliant with FIPS 140-2
Anton Stiglic
- Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL
Anton Stiglic
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Jay Sulzberger
- Certicom unveils S/MIME client for PDAs
M Taylor
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
Birger Toedtmann
- Scientists question electronic voting
Trei, Peter
- Scientists question electronic voting
Trei, Peter
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Trei, Peter
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
Trei, Peter
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Trei, Peter
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
David Turner
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
David Turner
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
Janusz A. Urbanowicz
- Proven Primes
David Wagner
- Microsoft: Palladium will not limit what you can run
David Wagner
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
David Wagner
- Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL
David Wagner
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
David Wagner
- Fw:Fraud & voting machines
David Wagner
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Krister Walfridsson
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Peter Wayner
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Encryption of data in smart cards
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- How effective is open source crypto?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- How effective is open source crypto?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- How effective is open source crypto? (addenda)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- How effective is open source crypto? (bad form)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- How effective is open source crypto? (aads addenda)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf? (addenda)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Armoring websites
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- M209B
Owen Williams
- Scientists question electronic voting
Barney Wolff
- Scientists question electronic voting
Barney Wolff
- Scientists question electronic voting
Barney Wolff
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Chazzchezz at
- Chiasmus for Windows
t.c.jones at
- Scientists question electronic voting
- Encryption of data in smart cards
- Diffie-Hellman 128 bit
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
- Face-Recognition Technology Improves
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
- Keysigning @ CFP2003
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
- Who's afraid of Mallory Wolf?
- Cryptoprocessors compliant with FIPS 140-2
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
- Proven Primes
tom st denis
- Columbia crypto box
cryptography at
- Columbia crypto box
cryptography at
- Run a remailer, go to jail?
ji at
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
- Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 23:17:42 EST 2003
Archived on: Sun Aug 7 18:23:40 EDT 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).