August 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Aug 1 00:00:39 EDT 2010
Ending: Tue Aug 31 20:30:13 EDT 2010
Messages: 230
- TLS/SSL Survey (Ristic/Qualsys) (was: Re: A mighty fortress is our PKI)
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
- Overclocking TLS/SSL (was: towards https everywhere and strict transport security)
- Collage
Jacob Appelbaum
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Joseph Ashwood
- RSA question
Joseph Ashwood
- Fwd: Re: new tech report on easy-to-use IPsec
Adam Aviv
- new tech report on easy-to-use IPsec
Steven Bellovin
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Steven Bellovin
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Steven Bellovin
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Steven Bellovin
- [IP] Malware kills 154
Steven Bellovin
- [IP] Malware kills 154
Steven Bellovin
- [IP] Malware kills 154
Steven Bellovin
- [IP] Malware kills 154
Steven Bellovin
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Steven Bellovin
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Steven Bellovin
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Jon Callas
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Jon Callas
- NY Times article on Blackberry
Jon Callas
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Jon Callas
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Matt Crawford
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Matt Crawford
- init.d/urandom : saving random-seed
John Denker
- customizing Live CD images (was: urandom etc.)
John Denker
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
John Denker
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Ray Dillinger
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
James A. Donald
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
James A. Donald
- 2048-bit RSA keys
James A. Donald
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security
James A. Donald
- RSA question
Justin Ferguson
- RSA question
Justin Ferguson
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Adam Fields
- GSM eavesdropping
Adam Fields
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Bill Frantz
- [IP] Malware kills 154
Bill Frantz
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
The Fungi
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Ian G
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Ian G
- lawful eavesdropping by governments - on you, via Google
John Gilmore
- non 2048-bit keys
John Gilmore
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
John Gilmore
- 2048-bit RSA keys
John Gilmore
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Peter Gutmann
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Peter Gutmann
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Peter Gutmann
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Peter Gutmann
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Peter Gutmann
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Peter Gutmann
- Using file-hiding rootkits for good
Peter Gutmann
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Peter Gutmann
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Peter Gutmann
- Preventing a recurrence of the Realtek/JMicron fiasco
Peter Gutmann
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Peter Gutmann
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Peter Gutmann
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Peter Gutmann
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Peter Gutmann
- About that "Mighty Fortress"... What's it look like?
Peter Gutmann
- Fw: [IP] Malware kills 154
Peter Gutmann
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Peter Gutmann
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Peter Gutmann
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Peter Gutmann
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Peter Gutmann
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Peter Gutmann
- GSM eavesdropping
Adrian Hayter
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Joshua Hill
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Joshua Hill
- /dev/random and virtual systems
Paul Hoffman
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Paul Hoffman
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Paul Hoffman
- init.d/urandom : saving random-seed
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- [Pkg-sysvinit-devel] init.d/urandom : saving random-seed
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- /dev/random and virtual systems
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- /dev/random and virtual systems
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
David-Sarah Hopwood
- "Thirty-Year-Old Encryption Formula Can Resist Quantum-Computing Attacks That Defeat All Common Codes"
David-Sarah Hopwood
- Fw: [IP] Malware kills 154
John Ioannidis
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Simon Josefsson
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Jonathan Katz
- Fw: [IP] Malware kills 154
Stefan Kelm
- GSM eavesdropping
John Kemp
- About that "Mighty Fortress"... What's it look like?
Alexander Klimov
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Alexander Klimov
- RSA question
Alexander Klimov
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Werner Koch
- After spyware fails, UAE gives up and bans Blackberries
David G. Koontz
- "Cars hacked through wireless tire sensors" Another paper plus USENIX SEC10 proceedings
David G. Koontz
- About that "Mighty Fortress"... What's it look like?
David G. Koontz
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Tanja Lange
- About that "Mighty Fortress"... What's it look like?
Ben Laurie
- init.d/urandom : saving random-seed
Jerry Leichter
- init.d/urandom : saving random-seed
Jerry Leichter
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Jerry Leichter
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Jerry Leichter
- GSM eavesdropping
Jerry Leichter
- GSM eavesdropping
Jerry Leichter
- The long twilight of IE6
Jerry Leichter
- "Cars hacked through wireless tire sensors"
Jerry Leichter
- Haystack
Jerry Leichter
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Jerry Leichter
- Collage
Jerry Leichter
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Jerry Leichter
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Jerry Leichter
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Jerry Leichter
- GSM eavesdropping
Eugen Leitl
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
John Levine
- Fw: [IP] Malware kills 154
John Levine
- Collage
- Transport-level encryption with Tcpcrypt
Sean McGrath
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Perry E. Metzger
- After spyware fails, UAE gives up and bans Blackberries
Perry E. Metzger
- GSM eavesdropping
Perry E. Metzger
- GSM eavesdropping
Perry E. Metzger
- GSM eavesdropping
Perry E. Metzger
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Perry E. Metzger
- GSM eavesdropping
Perry E. Metzger
- GSM eavesdropping
Perry E. Metzger
- /dev/random and virtual systems
Perry E. Metzger
- ADMIN: slowly shutting down the high level security discussion, and formatting
Perry E. Metzger
- NY Times article on Blackberry
Perry E. Metzger
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Perry E. Metzger
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Perry E. Metzger
- About that "Mighty Fortress"... What's it look like?
Perry E. Metzger
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Perry E. Metzger
- Fw: [IP] Malware kills 154
Perry E. Metzger
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Perry E. Metzger
- IDS systems (was Re: Five Theses on Security Protocols)
Perry E. Metzger
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Thierry Moreau
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Thierry Moreau
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Thierry Moreau
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Thierry Moreau
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Thierry Moreau
- Fw: [IP] Malware kills 154
Thierry Moreau
- Is determinism a good idea? WAS: questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Thierry Moreau
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Thierry Moreau
- "Thirty-Year-Old Encryption Formula Can Resist Quantum-Computing Attacks That Defeat All Common Codes"
Alec Muffett
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Eric Murray
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Eric Murray
- non 2048-bit keys
Samuel Neves
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Samuel Neves
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Samuel Neves
- EFF/iSEC's SSL Observatory slides available
Chris Palmer
- EFF/iSEC's SSL Observatory slides available
Chris Palmer
- phpwn: PHP cookie PRNG flawed (Netscape redux)
Chris Palmer
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Chris Palmer
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Chris Palmer
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Arash Partow
- [IP] Malware kills 154
Chad Perrin
- [IP] Malware kills 154
Chad Perrin
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Tom Ritter
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Richard Salz
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Richard Salz
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Richard Salz
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Jeffrey Schiller
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Jeffrey I. Schiller
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Jakob Schlyter
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Jakob Schlyter
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Jakob Schlyter
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Jakob Schlyter
- /dev/random and virtual systems
Yaron Sheffer
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Jeff Simmons
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Jeff Simmons
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Thor Lancelot Simon
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Thor Lancelot Simon
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Thor Lancelot Simon
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Thor Lancelot Simon
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Thor Lancelot Simon
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Guus Sliepen
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
D. K. Smetters
- GSM eavesdropping
Bill Squier
- GSM eavesdropping
Frank A. Stevenson
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Bill Stewart
- Hashing messages with lengths between 32 and 128 bytes is one of the most important practical issue (was Re: the skein hash function)
Sampo Syreeni
- /dev/random and virtual systems
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Jonathan Thornburg
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
Peter Trei
- Haystack redux
Katrin Verclas
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security
Florian Weimer
- Haystack
Steve Weis
- Haystack
Steve Weis
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- A mighty fortress is our PKI
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- GSM eavesdropping
Nicolas Williams
- GSM eavesdropping
Nicolas Williams
- GSM eavesdropping
Nicolas Williams
- Five Theses on Security Protocols
Nicolas Williams
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
Nicolas Williams
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security
Nicolas Williams
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Nicolas Williams
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
Nicolas Williams
- GSM eavesdropping
Paul Wouters
- GSM eavesdropping
Paul Wouters
- /dev/random and virtual systems
Paul Wouters
- 2048-bit RSA keys
Paul Wouters
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
Paul Wouters
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
dj at
- "Cars hacked through wireless tire sensors"
dan at
- Haystack
dan at
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
dan at
- Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?
mheyman at
- 2048-bit RSA keys
mheyman at
- Verizon Business RISK data crime–investigation team's 2010 Data Breach Investigations Report
mheyman at
- Lasers crack commercial encryption systems
mheyman at
- non 2048-bit keys
ian.farquhar at
- phpwn: PHP cookie PRNG flawed (Netscape redux)
travis+ml-cryptography at
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
travis+ml-cryptography at
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
travis+ml-cryptography at
- questions about RNGs and FIPS 140
travis+ml-cryptography at
- towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)
bmanning at
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
eric.lengvenis at
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
eric.lengvenis at
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
eric.lengvenis at
- Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?
eric.lengvenis at
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 20:30:13 EDT 2010
Archived on: Sun Aug 7 18:26:54 EDT 2011
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