April 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Apr 1 02:06:25 EST 2004
Ending: Fri Apr 30 17:06:39 EDT 2004
Messages: 152
- voting
Major Variola (ret)
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
Joseph Ashwood
- Can Skype be wiretapped by the authorities?
Joseph Ashwood
- Spy Letters from the American Revolution
Steve Bellovin
- AES suitable for protecting Top Secret information
Steve Bellovin
- The future of security
Graeme Burnett
- The future of security
Graeme Burnett
- [Publicity-list] DIMACS Tutorial on Social Choice and Computer Science
Linda Casals
- DIMACS Workshop on Electronic Voting -- Theory and Practice
Linda Casals
- [Publicity-list]: DIMACS Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Security
Linda Casals
- [Publicity-list] DIMACS Workshop on Security Analysis of Protocols
Linda Casals
- [Publicity-list]: DATE CHANGE- DIMACS Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Security
Linda Casals
- voting
Matt Crawford
- Do Cryptographers burn?
Hadmut Danisch
- Do Cryptographers burn?
Hadmut Danisch
- The future of security
Hadmut Danisch
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
Don Davis
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Roland C. Dowdeswell
- Definitions of "Security"?
Lars Eilebrecht
- voting, KISS, etc.
Adam Fields
- voting
Bill Frantz
- Cryptography Expert Paul Kocher Warns: Future DVDs Prime Target for Piracy, Pay TV Foreshadows Challenges
Bill Frantz
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Ed Gerck
- voting
Ed Gerck
- voting
Ed Gerck
- voting
Ed Gerck
- voting
Ed Gerck
- Do Cryptographers burn?
Ian Grigg
- Do Cryptographers burn?
Ian Grigg
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Ian Grigg
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Ian Grigg
- Financial Cryptography Update: El Qaeda substitution ciphers
Ian Grigg
- Bank transfer via quantum crypto
Ian Grigg
- Verisign CRL single point of failure
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- Cryptonomicon.Net - Key Splitting : First (and Second) Person Key Escrow
Peter Gutmann
- The 'Privacy' Jihad
R. A. Hettinga
- [IP] U.S. may need to step in, says cybersecurity report
R. A. Hettinga
- Bouncing to crypto world domination
R. A. Hettinga
- [IP] U.S. may need to step in, says cybersecurity report
R. A. Hettinga
- SETS sets up shop in Chennai
R. A. Hettinga
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
R. A. Hettinga
- Gutmann: operating under the radar
R. A. Hettinga
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
R. A. Hettinga
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
R. A. Hettinga
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
R. A. Hettinga
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
R. A. Hettinga
- VoteHere Release Audit Trail Code
R. A. Hettinga
- Lottery Numbers
R. A. Hettinga
- See-Through Voting Software
R. A. Hettinga
- Spy agency launches recruiting campaign
R. A. Hettinga
- Cryptonomicon.Net - Key Splitting : First (and Second) Person Key Escrow
R. A. Hettinga
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
R. A. Hettinga
- [Announce] Libgcrypt-1.2.0 released
R. A. Hettinga
- Payment system and security conference
R. A. Hettinga
- Speakers: Payment Systems and Security 04 - June 18/19 2004
R. A. Hettinga
- [ISN] Hackers introduce colourful new players to Indonesia's elections
R. A. Hettinga
- Cryptography Research Granted Patents for Safer Smart Cards
R. A. Hettinga
- ECC'04 -- Second announcement
R. A. Hettinga
- Cryptography Expert Paul Kocher Warns: Future DVDs Prime Target for Piracy, Pay TV Foreshadows Challenges
R. A. Hettinga
- Paying for drinks with wave <br> of the hand
R. A. Hettinga
- Bank Transfer via Quantum Cryptography Based on Entangled Photons
R. A. Hettinga
- <nettime> diebold law firm aware of lgal risks
R. A. Hettinga
- United States Patent: 6,721,423
R. A. Hettinga
- Diebold could be voted out of state
R. A. Hettinga
- Diebold knew of legal risks
R. A. Hettinga
- Is there a Brands certificate reference implementation?
R. A. Hettinga
- Cracking secrets
R. A. Hettinga
- How to WASTE and want not
R. A. Hettinga
- Certicom Announces Elliptic Curve Cryptography Challenge Winner
R. A. Hettinga
- Mathematicians From Around the World Collaborate to Solve Latest RSA Factoring Challenge
R. A. Hettinga
- [Politech] A criticism of Gmail and a call for encryption everywhere [priv]
R. A. Hettinga
- UC San Diego Engineering Professor Wins Guggenheim Fellowship
R. A. Hettinga
- [Neuclear-general] ANNOUNCE: Released version 0.7 of NeuClear Commons
R. A. Hettinga
- [Neuclear-general] ANNOUNCE: NeuClear XMLSig 0.13 Released
R. A. Hettinga
- The crypto whiz
R. A. Hettinga
- RSA-576 Factored
R. A. Hettinga
- message, but also test
R. A. Hettinga
- iTunes 4.5: "24 hours after I downloaded it... I've broken it"
R. A. Hettinga
- Signs Point to Worm Attack on SSL Vulnerability
R. A. Hettinga
- Fwd: [ISN] Mobile flaws expose executives to bugging
R. A. Hettinga
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
R. Hirschfeld
- Brands' private credentials
Jason Holt
- my periodic rant on quantum crypto
David Honig
- Can Skype be wiretapped by the authorities?
Axel H Horns
- Do Cryptographers burn?
Dave Howe
- Do Cryptographers burn?
Dave Howe
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
Andy Isaacson
- voting
David Jablon
- Did American slaves use steganography?
- voting
John Kelsey
- TCFS available for NetBSD-1.6.2
Ivan Krstic
- Bank transfer via quantum crypto
Ivan Krstic
- voting
Jerrold Leichter
- PET Registration Now Open -- Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2004
David Martin
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Brian McGroarty
- AES suitable for protecting Top Secret information
Vin McLellan
- Blind signatures with DSA/ECDSA?
An Metet
- voting
Perry E. Metzger
- voting
Perry E. Metzger
- voting, KISS, etc.
Perry E. Metzger
- my periodic rant on quantum crypto
Perry E. Metzger
- Can Skype be wiretapped by the authorities?
Enzo Michelangeli
- Definitions of "Security"?
Thierry Moreau
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Michael_Heyman at NAI.com
- DRM of the mirror universe
Jani Nurminen
- Privacy Concerns for UWB technology?
Damien O'Rourke
- Workshop on Economics and Information Security, May 13-14, Minneapolis
Andrew Odlyzko
- Credentica (Re: Is there a Brands certificate reference implementation?)
Christian Paquin
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
Arnold G. Reinhold
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
Arnold G. Reinhold
- voting
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Definitions of "Security"?
Arnold G. Reinhold
- AES suitable for protecting Top Secret information
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Can Skype be wiretapped by the authorities?
Arnold G. Reinhold
- Blind signatures with DSA/ECDSA?
privacy.at Anonymous Remailer
- Blind signatures with DSA/ECDSA?
Eric Rescorla
- Do Cryptographers burn?
Greg Rose
- Security Architect Position at National Archives
Rich Salz
- Mixmaster RFC
Len Sassaman
- Cryptography Expert Paul Kocher Warns: Future DVDs Prime Target for Piracy, Pay TV Foreshadows Challenges
Steve Schear
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
Nicko van Someren
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
Anton Stiglic
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
Anton Stiglic
- Is there a Brands certificate reference implementation?
Anton Stiglic
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Trei, Peter
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Trei, Peter
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Trei, Peter
- voting
Trei, Peter
- voting
Trei, Peter
- voting
Trei, Peter
- TCFS available for NetBSD-1.6.2
- DRM of the mirror universe
David Wagner
- DRM of the mirror universe
Paul A.S. Ward
- Did American slaves use steganography?
Walter Wart
- Bouncing to crypto world domination
Florian Weimer
- voting
Florian Weimer
- eCompute ECC2-109 Project has PROBABLE solution
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Definitions of "Security"?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- eCompute ECC2-109 Project has PROBABLE solution (now official)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- RFC 3766 Determining Strengths For Public Keys Used For Exchanging Symmetric Keys
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
- Israeli coders, Arab testers
Barney Wolff
- DRM of the mirror universe
Barney Wolff
- voting
Yeoh Yiu
- [Mac_crypto] Apple should use SHA! (or stronger) to authenticate software releases
- Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software
Paul Zuefeldt
- Definitions of "Security"?
hadmut at danisch.de
- Privacy Concerns for UWB technology?
dj at deadhat.com
- Do Cryptographers burn?
Victor.Duchovni at morganstanley.com
- voting
l.crypto at stewart.org
- Paying for drinks with wave <br> of the hand
- How to WASTE and want not
iang at systemics.com
- The future of security
geer at world.std.com
Last message date:
Fri Apr 30 17:06:39 EDT 2004
Archived on: Sun Aug 7 18:24:10 EDT 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).