[Cryptography] More back doors coming from FBI/DOJ/etc.

Henry Baker hbaker1 at pipeline.com
Mon Feb 29 10:15:58 EST 2016

FYI -- See comments at end.


On July 13, 2015, Deputies asked the encryption working group to
prepare for Principals' consideration guidance on (1) key trade-
offs identified through its analysis of possible technical
approaches; and (2) the lessons learned from that analysis. 
This document provides that assessment and further identifies
technical challenges for which the working group was unable to
identify solutions and potential policy principles that could
guide any engagement by the United States Government with
industry on encryption issues.  To facilitate Principals'
analysis and discussion, this document includes the four
technical approaches to implementing accessible encryption
developed by the working group developed.  However, these
approaches are intended as proofs-of-concept and Deputies agree
that the approaches should not be advanced as affirmative
Administration proposals or shared outside the United States

Lessons Learned.  Encryption working group participants have
identified four key lessons that should inform any consideration
of technical proposals to enable targeted lawful access to
encrypted data.

There is no "one-size-fits-all" technical approach.  No single
approach can enable access to encrypted information across all
media and providers.  Each type of encryption will require
unique technical approaches, and each particular company would
need to implement approaches specific to their implementation of
encryption in the products and services it offers.  Further,
enabling lawful access to some forms of encrypted data, should
companies be willing to do so, will be easier with some
implementations than others.

Different encryption implementations require different
approaches.  From a technical perspective, encryption can be
divided into three categories: the encryption of data stored on
devices held by consumers; the encryption of communications in
transit between parties; and the encryption of data stored in
remote locations (e.g., cloud-based storage of backups).  Each
type of encryption carries different security risks, policy
implications, and technical challenges - and maintaining clarity
in technical and policy discussions is essential to identifying
potential options.  For example, one approach to enabling access
to data on devices could be through limiting to only those with
physical access to the device, which reduces the security risks
of such access and limits the ability for abuse.  Similarly, the
nature of communications encryption poses particular challenges
to law enforcement access solutions that do not exist for stored
data (whether in the cloud or on devices)

Intended use cases should drive proposed technical approaches. 
Law enforcement may seek access to encrypted data in a variety
of scenarios, and the particular circumstances will
substantially change the requirements of how a provider might
enable that access.  For example, law enforcement seeking to use
encrypted data to stop an impending attack or crime needs rapid
access while law enforcement seeking to use data on a seized
device to make a case against a defendant could accept a slower
solution.  Similarly, efforts to compel access to encrypted data
held by sophisticated criminals like terrorists and organized
crime may be unsuccessful if the fact that such compulsion is
possible is widely known because such criminals will choose to
use inaccessible alternatives.  On the other hand,
unsophisticated criminals or individuals responsible for crimes
of passion, may be less likely to switch to technology products
and services that are inaccessible to law enforcement.

Technical approaches can be enforced in multiple ways.  The
technical requirements of a particular proposed solution (for
instance, that law enforcement may only access data on a single
device as part of each request) could be enforced in multiple
ways.  It could be enforced through a law, through Executive
branch policy, or through technological limitations built into
the device or service itself.  However, some technologists,
civil society, and companies may perceive any government access
as an attempt to obtain widespread, non-targeted access for bulk
collection purposes.  Accordingly, those communities almost
certainly will be unlikely to trust limitations enforced through
policy or law, and will be more likely to be satisfied by those
enforced through technology.

Technical Challenges.  The working group also identified several
technical challenges for which there is no clear solution. 
Although technical approaches to enable lawful access to
encrypted data may be able to mitigate some of the public safety
challenges posed by encryption, these challenges mean that
inaccessible encryption will always be available to malicious

Strong encryption is increasingly available in global technology
products and services.  Unlike the "crypto wars" of the 1990s,
encryption is no longer solely available to governments. 
Established companies and independent developers in many
countries around the world are developing encrypted products and
services.  Further, encryption can be implemented purely through
software and effective encryption implementations are
increasingly available in the public domain.  As a result,
encrypted products and services will always be available to
malicious actors, including in countries that do not adopt an
accessibility regime.

Encrypted products and services often use open source software
for implementation.  Many encryption solutions are open-source
projects developed by communities of volunteers that are based
in multiple countries.  For example, the predominant
implementation of the encryption protocol used to secure web
sites for e-commerce transactions is open source.  Most of these
solutions are made available free of cost, and are not
distributed by any single institution, but shared on a peer-to-
peer basis.  As a result, there may be no central authority that
can update these solutions to comply with any requirements for
implementing encryption in a manner that would support law
enforcement access.

Inaccessible encryption can be layered on top of accessible
encryption.  Because encryption solutions are often implemented
through software, individuals using a device with accessible
encryption can easily install an inaccessible software
encryption solution on the device.  For example, if Apple or
Google were to change their mobile phones to allow for
decryption of the device pursuant to lawful process, a user
could still download a mobile application that could allow for
encrypted communications (e.g., Skype).  Layered encryption
means that, even if all core U.S. services and devices have
accessible encryption, individuals will be able to defeat
attempts to access their information.

Proposed Policy Principles

Deputies agreed that attempts to build cooperation with
industry, vice proposing specific technical solutions, will
offer the most successful option for making progress on this
issue.  In particular, given industry and civil society's
combative reaction to government statements to date, any
proposed solution almost certainly would quickly become a focal
point for attacks and the basis of further entrenchment by
opposed parties.  Rather than sparking more discussion,
government-proposed technical approaches would almost certainly
be perceived as proposals to introduce "backdoors" or
vulnerabilities in technology products and services and increase
tensions rather build cooperation.

However, if the United States Government were to provide a set
of principles it intends to adhere to in developing its
encryption policy, such a document could spark public debate. 
Proposing such principles would not be without risk, as some
constituencies may not distinguish between principles and
specific technical approaches.  As a result, these principles
could come under attack, but could also serve to focus public or
private conversation on practicalities and policy trade-offs
rather than whether the government is seeking to weaken
encryption or introduce vulnerabilities into technology products
and services.

Based on the lessons learned from the initial technical review,
the encryption working group has developed a set of principles
that could guide the United States Government's engagement with
the private sector on encryption.  While all of the principles
should inform private discussions with industry, some, all, or
none of them could be incorporated into any public debate.

1.  No bulk collection.  Any approach to enable lawful access
should focus on enabling targeted - as opposed to bulk -
access to decrypted information.

2.  No unilateral government access.  Approaches should not
provide "golden keys" to government or allow government to
access decrypted information without the assistance of a
third party.

3.  Technologically-enforced limits. To  the extent possible,
approaches should rely on technology, rather than
procedural protections, to enforce constraints on
government access.

4.  International adoption.  The United States Government will
accept that any U.S.-proposed solution will be adopted by
other countries.

5.  Maximize security and minimize complexity.  Any
accessibility regime carries the inherent risk that a
malicious actor could exploit that accessibility for
malicious ends.  As a result, any accessibility regime
should be designed to minimize complexity (a key factor
that increases risk of vulnerability) and maximize

6.  Minimize impact of malicious exploitation.  No technical
approach can be implemented in a manner that guarantees
perfect security.  Accordingly, any accessibility regime
must be designed to limit the impact of a successful
exploit by a malicious actor.  For instance, a device
access regime that requires physical access to the device
would limit the impact of an exploit because a malicious
actor would have to have physical possession of a targeted

7.  Minimize negative impact on innovation.  Certain access
regimes could limit technical innovation by closing the
door to certain types of encryption solutions.  For
example, current best practices for communications
encryption requires that each new message be encrypted
using a distinct key - a principle called forward secrecy
that mitigates the consequences of an exploit by ensuring
that any single key only exposes a single communication.  A
technical approach that implemented accessible encryption
in a manner that makes forward secrecy impossible would
limit innovation and hamper efforts to better secure
communications.  In this vein, any accessibility
requirement should be designed in such a way that it
minimizes any negative impact on innovation.

8.  No "one size fits all" approach.  No single accessible
solution that could work for all types of encryption or all
developers.  Providers, not the government should be
responsible for determining how to design any feasible
approaches into their products and services.

Avoid undermining trust in security.  The modern Internet
ecosystem relies on all participants trusting the security
of their communications and data.  Any technical approach
should be tailored to avoid undermining this trust.


Technical "Proofs of Concept"

Technical experts in the working group developed several proof-
of-concept technical approaches that could theoretically enable
access to some types of encrypted data.  Working group
participants agreed that all of these proposals were technically
feasible, although they disagreed as to the value and viability
of each of the solutions.  Further, working group participants
agreed that these proposals should be seen as only examples, and
would need to go through substantial revision and refinement if
they were to be further pursued.

Provider-enabled access to encrypted devices based on physical
control of the device.  For this approach, providers would
modify the hardware of their devices to include an independent,
physical, encrypted port.  The provider would maintain a
separate set of keys for its customers' devices that would
enable it to decrypt those devices, but only if it had physical
access to the device itself.  If law enforcement seized an
encrypted device that it could not access, it would secure
lawful process from a U.S. court and submit the device itself,
along with the lawful process, to the provider.  The provider
would use its secondary key to unlock the device, and provide
the resulting data back to law enforcement.  Making a hardware
modification would impose significant cost on U.S.
manufacturers, but requiring physical access to enable
decryption substantially reduces the cybersecurity risk of a
secondary access point, and limits the risk of abuse by
malicious actors and foreign government entities.  This solution
would provide access only to devices (although some
communications stored on the device could be accessible as
well), and would not prevent a customer from installing a
secondary layer of encryption on top of the device encryptionS

Provider-enabled remote access to encrypted devices through
current update procedures.  Virtually all consumer devices
include the capability to remotely download and install updates
to their operating system and applications.  For this approach,
law enforcement would use lawful process to compel providers to
use their remote update capability to insert law enforcement
software into a targeted device.  Once inserted, such software
could enable far-reaching access to and control of the targeted
device.  This proposal would not require physical modification
of devices, and so would likely be less costly for providers to
implement.  It would also enable remote access, and make
surreptitious access much less costly.  However, its use could
call into question the trustworthiness of established software
update channels.  Individual users, concerned about remote
access to their devices, could choose to turn oft software
updates, rendering their devices significantly less secure as
time passed and vulnerabilities were discovered by not patched.

Remote access enabled only when multiple parties, each of which
holds a partial key, participate.  In this approach, a secondary
decryption key is divided across multiple recovery parties.

These parties would provide their sub-keys either to the
provider or to law enforcement under court order to enable
reconstruction of the encryption key and decryption of the data. 
This approach would enable remote and surreptitious access to
data stored both in devices and remote databases.  It would also
limit the risk of exploit by requiring any attacker to
infiltrate multiple recovery entities to secure a complete
recovery key.  However, it is important to note that this
approach would be complex to implement and maintain, as it would
require a network of independent recovery parties which could
then be validated by trusted third parties.

Remote access to data stored on encrypted devices enabled by
providers implementing a "forced backup" of the data to an
alternate, accessible location.  The approach relies on
providers being able to remotely backup information stored in an
encrypted location to a different location that is not
encrypted.  Pursuant to lawful process, the provider would turn
on remote backup, and provide the resulting backed-up
information to law enforcement.  This solution could be
implemented with notice to the customer (for instance, a dialog
box on their device could indicate that remote backup is being
enabled, and could indicate that it is happening in response to
a law enforcement request or not), or could be done
surreptitiously.  For many providers, enabling this proposal
would require designing a new backup channel, or substantially
modifying an existing channel.

Future FBI/DOJ/etc. initiatives will cycle through the options
listed above.  For example, the current Apple case selected this

"Provider-enabled remote access to encrypted devices through
current update procedures.  Virtually all consumer devices
include the capability to remotely download and install updates
to their operating system and applications.  For this approach,
law enforcement would use lawful process to compel providers to
use their remote update capability to insert law enforcement
software into a targeted device."

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