[Cryptography] The world's most secure TRNG

Dave Horsfall dave at horsfall.org
Tue Sep 30 14:44:22 EDT 2014

On Tue, 30 Sep 2014, Philipp Gühring wrote:

> I recently heard about a funny concept, to attach your application as a 
> PDF attachement into a PDF that contains the documentation for your 
> application, so that none of your users can claim that he did not 
> read/found the documentation, since there is no other way to get your 
> software than to open that PDF documentation and getting your software 
> from there.

On a related theme i.e. getting end users to RTFM if they're serious about 
crypto, I once saw an interesting way of forcing people to actually *read* 
it, instead of them merely clicking on "Yes, I agree to give away my 
first-born and to sacrifice a goat every full moon" etc.

The "Yes" button remained greyed-out until the user had scrolled right 
through to the end, whereupon it became active.  Of course, that won't 
stop a luser from quickly scrolling right through to the end anyway, but 
short of a comprehension test I don't see what else can be done.

-- Dave

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