[Cryptography] Aggregate signatures

Bear bear at sonic.net
Mon Jun 9 13:49:06 EDT 2014

On Mon, 2014-06-09 at 10:52 +0100, ianG wrote:

> If you are talking about cryptocurrencies, then I'd guess you're working
> with contracts.  At least, that's what I do if talking about 'aggregate
> signatures.'

My immediate thought was that it could be applicable to 
Byzantine Generals.

Nakamoto's proof-of-work protocol has some practical limitations
and waste that a better solution might not.  

An aggregate signature - by a weighted majority of the keys 
of the txouts that existed at the time a block was created - 
would be proof positive that a block is backed by enough users
to constitute a majority of stake - hence, it could 'cement' 
a block in the blockchain as being immune to displacement. 


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