Maybe no stego on eBay afterall

Hadmut Danisch hadmut at
Sat Jul 20 17:29:45 EDT 2002

On Sat, Jul 20, 2002 at 09:38:25AM -0700, Lucky Green wrote:

> I find it interesting, though not in the least surprising, that the
> above quote assumes that all users of steganography are terrorists. From
> this position it is a small step to the position that all individual
> civilian users of strong/unescrowed cryptography are terrorists.

I fully agree.

Go one step further: 

Every civilian who sells at ebay, puts a picture on the auction
web page, and doesn't take care that this picture can't be
reported falsely positive by some arbitrary software by any
company wishing to be in the headlines, can be considered being 
a terrorist as well.

So, simply, everyone selling on ebay with a picture (oops, I did
as well), is in danger of being considered as a terrorist. 
You never know what next month's stego detection software will
pretend to detect in one's picture.

And as we know, the US convicts terrorists at those lawless 
military courts.

Gee, I was never aware how dangerous it is to sell on Ebay.

(Any idea how to make a picture reliably stego free against
*any* stego detection software?)


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