[Cryptography] "Strong" passwords too clever by half...

Viktor Dukhovni cryptography at dukhovni.org
Mon Sep 30 19:16:30 EDT 2019

> On Sep 30, 2019, at 5:32 PM, Dave Horsfall <dave at horsfall.org> wrote:
> At least one web page I use does not accept "_" as a non-alpha...  It wants a mixture of alphas, non-alphas, digits, and at least 8 chars long.

For a 94 bit password, with a guaranteed final punctuation mark:

$ openssl rand -base64 12 | perl -lpe 's/(.)$/chr(ord($1)&0x0f|0x20)/e; s/ $/~/'

With the possible final punctuation characters:

     20  ~    21  !    22  "    23  #    24  $    25  %    26  &    27  '
     28  (    29  )    2a  *    2b  +    2c  ,    2d  -    2e  .    2f  /

FWIW, my Android keyboard has "^" in two places.  Holding down "t"
produces a pop-up list with "^" as one of the options.  The other
way is to switch to the non-alphabetic (numeric) set, and then the
secondary non-alphabetic set, where "^" is directly available.

But the above recipe will never generate "^", just alphabet letters,
numbers and the above punctuation.  The output is 16 characters which
is not infrequently an upper bound on the allowed password length.


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