[Cryptography] Checkoin: physical crypto-cash

Camille Harang mammique at garbure.org
Sat Jul 15 16:07:28 EDT 2017

Le 15/07/2017 à 17:59, Ron Garret a écrit :
> I can’t help but picture the following scenario: I accept a coin of the sort shown in the animation on your web site, the one with the scratch-off scratch-to-cash doodad on the back side.  I decide to cash the coin, so I scratch off the obscuring layer to reveal the word, “SUCKER!” written underneath.
> rg

Sorry I've read my answer again, I can see that it is not clear. When I
say that there is 0% chance that a Golden Eagle coin doesn't actually
contain the gold (aka written "SUCKER" on it), I talk about a genuine
Golden Eagle produced by the official mint factory, I'd like to see if
they took the risk of producing only one coin in their entire career
that doesn't contain the gold, I bet there is not, that's why I say 0%
chance. Of course fake Golden Eagle doesn't contain the gold, but the
technology detects it right away, to produce an official Golden Eagle
coin with its UUID registered on the blockchain you need to have access
to their official private key.

Please tell me if it's still unclear.



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