[Cryptography] At what point should people not use TLS?

Christian Huitema huitema at huitema.net
Sat Apr 9 20:33:33 EDT 2016

On Saturday, April 9, 2016 5:43 PM, fcorella at pomcor.com wrote:

> On Apr 9, 2016, at 4:00 AM, Christian Huitema <huitema at huitema.net> wrote:
>>The rationale for using TLS rather than an ad hoc development is obvious:
avoid the design errors risk with an independent design, and avoid the
implementation bugs with a new from scratch implementation.
> Is that because there have never been any design errors or implementation
bugs in TLS :-) ?

Ah Ah Ah. Of course not. This is just that if you design your own, you are
very likely to make more mistakes than whatever is left in the TLS protocol,
without the benefits of many people actively looking at the spec. 

-- Christian Huitema

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