[Cryptography] Where should I start with cryptography?
danimoth at cryptolab.net
Wed Nov 19 04:13:55 EST 2014
On 18/11/14 at 08:50pm, Juan Francisco Verhook Greco wrote:
> Hi, my name is Juan. I'm a young boy that is beginning with cryptography. I know python and basic c++, linux enthusiast, still though I just began with cryptography I want one day to build my own cryptographic hash function. Where should I begin? I would appreciate any topics regarding anything.Thanks in advance
please buy this book [1] (note: I'm not involved with authors, I used it
back in my days at University, and still using it). Then read it, from
beginning, at least one time. Do exercises, and pratice yourself against
theory. Then, buy this other book [2], and read it al least one time.
Then go back to the first, re-read it again, and read the second.
Have a nice day :-)
[1] http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Modern-Cryptography-Principles-Protocols/dp/1584885513
[2] http://www.amazon.com/Applied-Cryptography-Protocols-Algorithms-Source/dp/0471117099
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