[Cryptography] Is it time for a revolution to replace TLS?

Bear bear at sonic.net
Fri Apr 18 18:47:56 EDT 2014

On Fri, 2014-04-18 at 22:18 +0100, ianG wrote:

> So my current favourite is:  no rules, no holds barred.  Replace TLS,
> take your best shot.  Votes from all, drinks at 7.  Start your state
> engines, gentlebodies.

There are many things that TLS is purported to be a solution for.
Depending on which context I want to replace TLS in, I would be 
using any of several different designs.

Each such thing is far simpler than TLS itself and much much easier 
to implement well.  But none caters for all the use cases people 
believe that TLS serves.


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