[Cryptography] Preliminary review of the other Applied Cryptography

Dave Horsfall dave at horsfall.org
Wed Apr 2 18:06:28 EDT 2014

Why did the authors choose to use the same major name?  Anyway...

After battling through Schneier (a prerequisite before posting to this 
list), I am now reading "Handbook of Applied Cryptography", by Menezes, 
Oorschot, and Vanstone.

Blimey, but these blokes don't muck around.  In the first chapter alone, 
he gets into mathematics that I haven't used since my University days.

There is a list of corrections available, and upon (ahem) applying them, I 
found a couple of errors in the errata; Menezes was gracious enough to 
investigate, and to report back.

The book itself, well; the ISBN is a small bar-code on the bottom 
right-hand corner of the back cover (there is no ISBN page as such, and 
Menezes expressed surprise at that), and the only way you'll find the date 
of publication is a small glyph just above it.

Security through obscurity?  Clever authors :-)

More later, once I've finished reading it.

-- Dave

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