[Cryptography] Size of the PGP userbase?

Phil Pennock md-cryptography at spodhuis.org
Wed Dec 11 16:38:41 EST 2013

On 2013-12-11 at 08:51 -0500, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> I am trying to get an estimate of the size of the PGP userbase for a
> presentation. Does anyone have figures?

You're probably after Strong Set figures, which are the keys which are
usefully verifiable, although this ignores isolated islands, such as
companies with strong internal cross-signatures and no attempts to join
the Strong Set.


About 53,000 keys are in the Strong Set.

 * "The PGP web of trust can be viewed as a directed graph where the
   points are the PGP keys, and the arrows (directed lines) are the
 * "The strong set is the largest set of keys such that for any two keys
   in the set, there is a path from one to the other."

The active userbase will additionally include those who have no
cross-signatures, whether because the do understand the trust models and
just want a persistent identifier (but not a real-world-name-mapping
verifiable one) or, more commonly, because they don't understand.


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