Tunnels in Hash Functions: MD5 Collisions in 40 seconds
vlastimil.klima at volny.cz
vlastimil.klima at volny.cz
Sat Mar 18 12:05:40 EST 2006
Congratulations to Marc Stevens, who described a method for fast
collision attack on MD5!
Just now (! it is a collision !) I have finished the translation of
my paper Vlastimil Klima: "Tunnels in Hash Functions: MD5 Collisions
Within a Minute".
It is based on a new method, tunneling. Using it on MD5 it gives a
collision in 40 seconds on a 3 GHz Pentium 4. (Actually I used two
times slower notebook with the time about 80 seconds.) I expect the
publication on eprint also, but I will put in on my web together
with the source code of the program in one or two hours. It is
Vlastimil Klima
Od: "Weger, B.M.M. de" <b.m.m.d.weger at TUE.nl>
Komu: cryptography at metzdowd.com
Predmet: MD5 collisions in one minute
Datum: 17.3.2006 - 19:37:20
> Hi all,
> You might be interested in knowing that my MSc student
> Marc Stevens has found a considerable speedup of MD5
> collision generation. His improvements of Wang's method
> enables one to make MD5 collisions typically in one
> minute on a PC; sometimes it takes a few minutes, and
> sometimes only a few seconds.
> His paper (shortly to appear on the Cryptology ePrint
> Archive) can be found on http://www.win.tue.nl/hashclash/,
> where we've also made his software available (source code
> and a Win32 executable).
> Grtz,
> Benne de Weger
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