ANDOS-based secure voting system

Joel Takvorian exodus at
Tue Dec 9 17:23:47 EST 2003


This is my first post on this mailing-list since i'm new with 
cryptographic problems. I also apologize in advance for any language mistake I'll 

I am currently interrested in programming a secured voting system using 
ANDOS (All-or-Nothing Disclosure of Secrets) protocol.
I've found many documents describing this kind of voting protocol like 
this :

1) "Ivan" publishes the list of  eligible candidats
2) Each voter informs "Ivan" his intention to vote
3) "Ivan" publishes the list of all voters
4) Each voter receives an unique identifier using ANDOS protocol
5) bla bla bla...

the identifier will be used for every transferts between "Ivan" and the 
corresponding voter.
I know ANDOS is a quite hard and complex algorythm, but it's not a 
problem for now.

My question is : how can we prevent a single person from voting multiple 
In other words, although an ANDOS-generated number can be used by only 
one single person, i can't see anything preventing a single person from 
using multiple ANDOS-generated identifiers, if this person asks "Ivan" 
several times - hiding his real identity - for a identifier.

Of course, a solution would be to separate the attribution of 
identifiers and the vote itself, assuming identifier attribution is a 
physical process where "Ivan" gives identifiers and marks on a list the 
future voters as having got their identifier. This process must be 
physical in order to really identify the voter (for instance with his 
identity card). First, a corrupted "Ivan" could mark on his list anyone. 
Then, even if we try to secure it, man may be quite disappointed to use 
a physical process for e-vote.

Thank you in advance for answers!

Joel Takvorian

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