FlexiProvider 1.1.1 released

Ralf-P. Weinmann weinmann at cdc.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Tue Feb 12 13:23:22 EST 2002

Release announcement: FlexiProvider version 1.1.1

FlexiProvider - Harnessing the power of the Java Cryptography Architecture

The FlexiProvider group is pleased to announce the availability of version
1.1.1 of our open source toolkit for the JCA/JCE. The FlexiProvider toolkit
was previously known as cdcProvider, however in late 2001, our research
group decided to change the name of the toolkit.

Several significant changes have occured since the last release of the
provider, which was the cdcProvider 1.9.1:

    * The Standard Provider has been renamed to Core Provider.

    * The message digest SHA-1 was optimized for better performance.

    * Since NTT no longer supports the adoption of the E2 cipher, we decided
      to drop it in the current release of the Core Provider.

    * The mode classes for the symmetric ciphers were rewritten. This resulted
      in a higher throughput for these ciphers.

    * Design changes werde made to the class BasicCipher, which mode classes
      and padding classes interoperate with.

    * The EC provider now supports both GF(p) and GF(2n) arithmetic.

    * Furthermore, support for ECElGamal was dropped for security reasons
      and is now superseded by the integrated encryption scheme ECIES.

    * Support for the Diffie-Hellmann key exchange protocol ECDH was added
      as well as the Nyberg-Rueppel style signature scheme ECNR.

    * The block cipher SAFER++ (a NESSIE candidate) has been implemented and
      is available in the Core Provider.

    * The Number Field Provider, wich formerly was being announced but then
      withheld from the public, has now been released in an alpha-beta version. 

    * Bugs impairing the functionality of the provider were found and fixed in
      the Asymmetric ECB, RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 and v2.1 cipher as well as in the
      RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 signature classes.

As numerous bugs have been fixed we recommend users of the cdcProvider upgrade
to the latest version of the FlexiProvider as soon as possible.

The FlexiProvider group

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