I'm looking for FSE2001 proceedings

Pete Chown Pete.Chown at skygate.co.uk
Wed Jul 18 13:28:28 EDT 2001

Alex Alten wrote:

> Does anyone know where I could purchase or get the papers submitted
> to the Fast Software Encryption Workshop 2001?  Springer-Verlag
> does not have it available for purchase yet.

It's annoying that crypto papers hardly ever seem to be made available
online.  I wonder if there is any chance of crypto researchers joining
the scientific journal boycott...

The boycott is described here among other places:


Basically the researchers, who are currently mostly in the life
sciences, want papers published freely on the web after six months.
So if you need completely up to date information, you buy the
journal.  If you aren't bothered you can look on the web.  According
to the Scientific American article they have 15,000 researchers
including several Nobel prize winners.

This wouldn't help Alex, though...  :-(


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