Reminder: Second Cryptuk Meeting (London, Wednesday 25th April 2001)

Antonomasia ant at
Sat Apr 21 11:31:27 EDT 2001

Wed 25th April 2001, 7-9pm

I suggest we grab a table in the lowest level Cellar bar.  These can not
be reserved.  Feel free to bring key fingerprints and convincing,
possibly accurate, ID although we don't want to steal time from the main

Any questions on meeting arrangements/subject should be addressed to me
or Pete <Pete.Chown> and not the list where you read
this announcement.

Planning of meetings (we aim for quarterly) and related discussion occurs
(for subscribers only) on the list cryptuk(-request)

Pete Chown on IPsec: Pervasive Encryption for the Internet?

In the first part I will explain what IPsec is and how it is supposed
to work.  I will explain the three protocols which provide security,
and explain the relationships with other technologies such as DNSsec.

I will then explain how to set up FreeS/WAN under Linux.  I will
explain how to patch your kernel and how to make the FreeS/WAN patch
co-exist with the international kernel patch.  Finally I will explain
how to configure and start FreeS/WAN so as to communicate securely
with another machine.

In the final part I will talk about issues with IPsec, such as
interactions with firewalls, and how IPsec could be used to provide
all-pervasive encryption on the Internet.  I am hoping that this part
of the talk will become more of an "open forum" where ideas can be put
forward; there are real issues here and I don't claim to have all the

# Antonomasia   ant                      #
# See                        #

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