[Cryptography] Eudaemon: A peer-to-peer electronic identity system

iang iang at iang.org
Thu Jun 22 16:45:07 EDT 2023

On 24/04/2023 15:28, Agathos wrote:
> Dear iang,
> Thank you for taking the time to read my email.
> I believe many of your questions would be answered in the whitepaper at
> https://eud.ninja

Green screen! How historic :) on my desktop but sadly so are 1000 others.

>> In general the system bears close alignment to my design/theory. However
>> where it differs is (assuming I am correct in understanding) that you
>> postulate each person being the center of their network, and branching out
>> to trusted others.  Whereas my work starts from assuming a trusted group to
>> which a person joins.  Have you considered groups?
> Could you please refer me to your recommended resource, paper or prototype that
> encapsulates your design/theory, I would like to read it first before
> commenting on where our models differ?

Just answering this particular question, it is in a book called Identity 
Cycle here: https://iang.org/identity_cycle/ which in short postulates a 
new way to think about identity (for tech industry at least).


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