[Cryptography] Free eBook for Cryptography Historians.

Gerard Cheshire gerardcheshire at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 12:03:18 EDT 2023

Dear Cryptography List,

Due to the resounding success of the title *The Medieval Map and the Mercy
Mission: A Complete Translation of the Voynich Manuscript Map*, it has now
been made available for free as an ebook at Google Play Books:

The book is about a narrative map that tells the fascinating story of a
humanitarian rescue mission by the Colettine Poor Clare nuns of Ischia
following a volcanic eruption on another island in the Mediterranean Sea in
the year 1444. All map scripts and annotations have been fully translated
and a verified lexicon of every word is provided. The date of the event has
been located on the map, hiding in plain sight as Latin abbreviation. The
language of the map is a unique hybrid of Iberian Romance, Greek and Latin
due to the singular demographic and geographic circumstance of Ischia
Island at the time. The writing system of the map is based on the Greek
alphabet due to the Basilian Orthodox Catholic history of Ischia monastery.

If you would like to own a physical copy, the book is also available to
purchase as print-on-demand, at The Great British Bookshop:

Softback ISBN: 9781399954990.

£12.00 (€14.00, $15.50)

Hardback ISBN: 9781399962056.

£15.00 (€17.50, $19.00)

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