[Cryptography] Shortening block cipher length...

Adam P. Goucher apgoucher at gmx.com
Sun Jul 18 06:01:44 EDT 2021

> Counter mode, classically, is P XOR E(Ctr) = C.  Using the same
> set of operations the same number of times each you can implement
> a clearly superior counter mode E(P XOR Ctr) = C.

Firstly, E() in many stream ciphers -- such as ChaCha20 -- is
irreversible (and most probably not even a bijection).

Secondly, if the plaintext P contains a sequence of blocks that
increment (the simplest example being P = Ctr), then there will
be lots of repeated ciphertext blocks. For example, if you had:

P   = [42, 43, 44, 45, ..., 68]
Ctr = [ 0,  1,  2,  3, ..., 26]

then the ciphertext would be:

[E(42), E(42), E(46), E(46), E(42), E(42), E(54), E(54), E(58),
 E(58), E(62), E(62), E(58), E(58), E(54), E(54), E(42), E(42),
 E(46), E(46), E(42), E(42), E(86), E(86), E(90), E(90), E(94)]

which contains some repeated blocks.

However, I do agree with your overall point, and have considered

E = AES(P XOR ChaCha20(Ctr))

i.e. to apply the (reversible) AES encryption function (in the
naive 'electronic codebook' mode of operation, which on its own
is insecure) to the encrypted output of a standard ChaCha20
stream cipher. Assuming that the keys used for the two ciphers
are unrelated, then this can't be any *less* secure than standard
ChaCha20, and it also avoids the linearity property that wreaks
havoc whenever someone carelessly reuses a keystream for two
different plaintexts.

Best wishes,

Adam P. Goucher

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