[Cryptography] What ever happened to end-to-end email encryption?

Bill Frantz frantz at pwpconsult.com
Tue Aug 24 22:24:21 EDT 2021

On 8/23/21 at 11:53 PM, phill at hallambaker.com (Phillip 
Hallam-Baker) wrote:

>And the telephone, the telephone is also starting to become a nuisance. The
>number of people I talk to by telephone is declining rapidly. I don't
>answer it because most of the calls are spam.

I have often thought of dropping voice service, but it is 
sometimes still useful. The thing that saves me is living very 
far from my area code. If it is an unknown number from near my 
area code, then I don't answer, I give it to the answering 
machine. I get almost no messages. The recent ones have been 
about extending the warrantee on my car.

>Where did we get the idea that anyone in the world could interrupt us any
>time of the day or night by ringing a bell in our house? Well it didn't
>start out that way. In the original scheme of things, the bell woke up the
>butler. Taking a call was servant's work.

About 40 years ago someone asked me, "If I told you I had 
invented a device with which you could make a loud noise next to 
almost anyone in the world, would you say I've improved the 
human condition?" We should make answering a job for Siri/Alexa. 
Is their voice recognition good enough to recognize individuals 
to help filter by who's calling?

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz        | There's nothing so clear    | Periwinkle
(408)348-7900      | as a design you haven't     | 150 Rivermead 
Rd #235
www.pwpconsult.com | written down. - Dean Tribble| Peterborough, 
NH 03458

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