[Cryptography] What ever happened to end-to-end email encryption?

Peter Gutmann pgut001 at cs.auckland.ac.nz
Mon Aug 23 07:11:57 EDT 2021

Christian Collberg <collberg at gmail.com> writes:

>I'd say "workarounds have become popular." Having to deal with lawyers and a
>large tech company lately, I've seen
>* here's a temporary account we've made for you on our truly awful internal
>mail service; I will send you an alert email to your regular gmail address
>whenever I email you something so you know to log in and read the message.

This is fairly common in large corporates for communicating documents, you get
a link to a download location that either contains an embedded key in it or
relies on a previously-shared key.  Look up something like "Enterprise-grade


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