[Cryptography] Proper Entropy Source

Jerry Leichter leichter at lrw.com
Wed Jan 29 14:23:30 EST 2020

> The best you cam do is make some plausible bounds on an attacker's ability to guess things.  
This is curiously parallel to the traditional approach to leakage channels:  We can't practically close them down so we get "plausible bounds" on the rate at which the channel can leak bits and thus on "the attacker's ability to [get useful information]."

Of course, what we now know is that even a very, very low bandwidth leakage channel can do really big damage if it's used to leak a cryptographic key.  The key effectively compresses a huge amount of information (in combination with the encrypted data, which of course we assume is available) into just a small number of bits....

Similarly, bounds on "how far away we are from random/unguessable" can be really problematic in some situations, where giving the attacker even a fairly small amount of known bias to work with may actually give him a significant "in" to the system.
                                                        -- Jerry

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