[Cryptography] Fwd: Re: [fc-announce] Call for Papers: Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2019
R. Hirschfeld
ray at unipay.nl
Sat Sep 1 17:01:27 EDT 2018
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [fc-announce] Call for Papers: Financial Cryptography and
Data Security 2019
Date: 2018-09-01 22:07
From: Ian Goldberg and Tyler Moore <fc19chair at ifca.ai>
To: fc-announce at ifca.ai
Submissions are now open for Financial Cryptography and Data Security
On 2018-07-26 13:50, Ian Goldberg and Tyler Moore wrote:
> Call for Papers
> Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2019
> Twenty-Third International Conference
> February 18–22, 2019
> St. Kitts Marriott Resort
> St. Kitts
> https://fc19.ifca.ai/cfp.html
> Financial Cryptography and Data Security is a major international forum
> for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate
> regarding information assurance, with a specific focus on financial,
> economic and commercial transaction security. Original works
> focusing on
> securing commercial transactions and systems are solicited; fundamental
> as well as applied real-world deployments on all aspects surrounding
> commerce security are of interest. Submissions need not be exclusively
> concerned with cryptography. Systems security, economic or behavioral
> perspectives, and interdisciplinary efforts are particularly
> encouraged.
> Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
> * Access Control
> * Anonymity and Privacy
> * Applied Cryptography
> * Auctions and Mechanisms
> * Authentication and Identification
> * Behavioral Aspects of Security and Privacy
> * Biometrics
> * Certification and Audits
> * Cloud Computing and Data Outsourcing Security
> * Commercial Cryptographic Applications
> * Contactless Payment and Ticketing Systems
> * Digital Rights Management
> * Economics of Security and Privacy
> * Electronic Commerce Security
> * Electronic Crime and Underground Markets
> * Fraud Detection and Forensics
> * Game Theory for Security and Privacy
> * Identity Theft
> * Insider Threats
> * Legal and Regulatory Issues
> * Microfinance and Micropayments
> * Mobile Systems Security and Privacy
> * Phishing and Social Engineering
> * Privacy and Anonymity-enhancing Technologies
> * Reputation Systems
> * Risk Assessment and Management
> * Secure Banking and Financial Services
> * Smart Contracts and Financial Instruments
> * Smartcards, Secure Tokens and Secure Hardware
> * Social Networks Security and Privacy
> * Trust Management
> * Usability and Security
> * Virtual Goods and Virtual Economies
> * Voting Systems
> * Web Security
> New this year: Since its founding in 1997, Financial Cryptography and
> Data Security has published research on digital currencies. With the
> explosion of interest in cryptocurrencies prompted by the introduction
> of Bitcoin, research papers on cryptocurrencies have appeared in both
> the main conference and, since 2014, the Workshop on Bitcoin and
> Blockchain Research. In recognition of this burgeoning field, the FC
> steering committee has decided to incorporate the workshop into
> the main
> conference as a new blockchain track. As such, Financial Cryptography
> and Data Security now serves as the premier venue for
> cryptocurrency and
> blockchain research. Topics of interest for the blockchain track
> include, but are not limited to:
> * Applications Using or Built on Top of Bitcoin
> * The Bitcoin Protocol and Extensions
> * Blockchain Applications
> * Case Studies (e.g., of adoption, attacks, forks, scams, …)
> * Cryptocurrency Adoption and Transition Dynamics
> * Digital Cash and Payment Systems
> * Distributed Ledgers
> * Economic and Monetary Aspects of Cryptocurrencies
> * Economics and/or Game Theoretic Analysis of Cryptocurrency
> Protocols
> * Forensics and Monitoring
> * Fraud Detection and Financial Crime Prevention
> * Legal, Ethical and Societal Aspects of (Decentralized) Virtual
> Currencies
> * Peer-to-Peer Networks
> * Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains
> * Proof-of-work, -stake, -burn, and Virtual Mining
> * Real-world Measurements and Metrics
> * Regulation and Law Enforcement
> * Relation of Cryptocurrencies to Other Payment Systems
> * Transaction Graph Analysis
> * Usability and User Studies
> The intent is that the blockchain track will not be in parallel to
> either the rest of the conference proper, nor to the workshops. Papers
> from the conference, whether in the blockchain track or not, will be
> presented from Monday to Thursday of the conference week, without
> parallel sessions to the extent possible. The workshops, as in
> previous
> years, will be held in parallel to each other on Friday.
> Important Dates
> Workshop proposal submission August 13, 2018
> Workshop proposal August 22, 2018
> notification
> Paper registration September 18, 2018 (firm!)
> Paper submission To be decided on September 18, 2018
> (see below)
> Paper notification November 14, 2018
> Poster and panel submission November 23, 2018
> Poster and panel December 3, 2018
> notification
> Final pre-proceeding papers December 20, 2018
> Conference February 18–22, 2019
> Submissions are accepted until 11:59pm, UTC-11.
> What's the deal with the deadline?!
> New this year: A number of conferences, including this one in the past,
> have had the habit of announcing one deadline, only to extend it by 3–7
> days as the deadline approached, often citing fictitious "popular
> requests" as an excuse. This year, the effect will be the same, but we
> will be more transparent about the process.
> All papers must be registered by Tue Sep 18, 2018. This means the
> titles, authors, abstracts, topics, submission options, conflicts, etc.
> (everything except the PDF of the paper itself) must be entered
> into the
> submission system by this date. This date is firm and will not be
> extended.
> On September 17, 2018, we will announce (in this space) a block height
> on the Bitcoin blockchain that we expect to be found the following day.
> Once the block of that height is found and confirmed, let the last hex
> digit of the hash of that block be L. Then the FC19 paper submission
> deadline will be September (21+ceil(sqrt(L))), 2018. In table form:
> L Paper submission deadline
> 0 Sep 21, 2018
> 1 Sep 22, 2018
> 2, 3, 4 Sep 23, 2018
> 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Sep 24, 2018
> A, B, C, D, E, F Sep 25, 2018
> When the paper submission deadline has been determined in this
> way, this
> page will be updated, and that deadline will be firm. The program
> chairs' interpretation of the above algorithm is final.
> If this seems too bizarre to make sense of, then just pretend the paper
> submission deadline is Sep 21, 2018, and you'll be fine.
> Submission
> Submissions are sought in the following categories: (i) regular papers
> (15 pages LNCS format excluding references and appendices), (ii) short
> papers (8 pages LNCS format in total), (iii) panel and workshop
> proposals (2 pages), and (iv) posters (1 page).
> The regular and short paper submissions must be anonymous, with no
> author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. In
> contrast, panel and workshop proposals and poster submissions must
> include author names and affiliations.
> Papers must be formatted in standard LNCS format and submitted as PDF
> files. Submissions in other formats will be rejected. All papers
> must be
> submitted electronically according to the instructions and forms found
> here and at the submission site. For each accepted paper/poster the
> conference requires at least one registration at the general or
> academic
> rate, and paper authors must sign the IFCA copyright form when
> submitting the final version.
> Authors may submit only work that does not substantially overlap with
> work that is currently submitted or has been accepted for
> publication to
> a conference/workshop with proceedings or a journal. We consider double
> submission serious research fraud and will treat it as such. In case of
> doubt contact the program chairs for any clarifications at
> fc19chair at ifca.ai.
> Paper submissions should be uploaded through the conference submission
> website, where authors should also report any conflicts with program
> committee members. A conflict exists if an author has the
> same affiliation as a committee member, has ever acted as their PhD
> supervisor or been supervised by them, or if they have been co-authors
> on a paper within the past two years.
> Poster submissions and panel proposals should be sent to
> fc19chair at ifca.ai.
> Papers that are submitted but ultimately not accepted to the main
> conference may be considered for acceptance at one of the associated
> workshops. If you would like to take advantage of this, please indicate
> this preference when submitting your paper.
> Regular Research Papers
> Research papers should describe novel, previously unpublished
> scientific
> contributions to the field, and they will be subject to rigorous peer
> review. Accepted submissions will be included in the conference
> proceedings to be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in
> Computer Science (LNCS) series. Submissions are limited to 15 pages in
> standard LNCS format excluding references and appendices. A total page
> restriction may apply for the printed proceedings version. Committee
> members are not required to read the appendices, so the full papers
> should be intelligible without them. Regular papers must be anonymous
> with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious
> references.
> Short Papers
> Short papers are also subject to peer review; however, the intention is
> to encourage authors to introduce work in progress, novel applications,
> and corporate/industrial experiences. Short papers will be evaluated
> with a focus on novelty and potential for sparking participants'
> interest and future research avenues. Short paper submissions are
> limited to 8 pages in standard LNCS format in total. The paper
> title for
> short papers should necessarily include the text "Short Paper:".
> Accepted submissions will be included in the conference proceedings.
> Short papers must also be anonymous with no author names, affiliations,
> acknowledgments, or obvious references. The authors of some submissions
> not accepted as regular research papers may be offered the option of
> acceptance as a short paper.
> Panel Proposals
> We especially would like to encourage submissions of panel proposals.
> These should include a brief description of the panel topics, as
> well as
> of the prospective panelists. Accepted panel sessions will be presented
> at the conference. Please feel free to contact us directly if you would
> like to further discuss the suitability of a certain topic. Panel
> submissions must not be anonymous and should be up to 2 pages, sent to
> fc19chair at ifca.ai.
> Posters
> The poster session is the perfect venue to share a provocative opinion,
> interesting established or preliminary work, or a cool idea that will
> spark discussion. Poster presenters will benefit from a multi-hour
> session to discuss their work, get exposure, and receive feedback from
> attendees. Poster submissions should be a 1-page abstract (in the same
> LNCS format) describing the poster. Please keep in mind that the poster
> deadline is later than the main paper submission deadline. Poster
> proposals must not be anonymous and should be sent to the posters chair
> at fc19chair at ifca.ai.
> Workshop Proposals
> Proposals for workshops to be held at FC19 are also solicited. A
> workshop can be full day or half day in length. Workshop proposals
> should include: (i) a title; (ii) a call for papers; (iii) a brief
> summary and justification, including how it would fit into the greater
> FC scope; (iv) a (tentative) Program Committee and its Chair(s); (v)
> one-paragraph biographies for key organizers; and (vi) the expected (or
> previous, if the workshop has been held in previous years) number of
> submissions, participants and acceptance rates. Workshop proposals must
> not be anonymous and should be sent to fc19workshops at ifca.ai.
> The Rump Session
> FC19 will also include the popular "rump session" held on one of the
> evenings in an informal, social atmosphere. The rump session is a
> program of short (5 minutes), informal presentations on works in
> progress, off-the-cuff ideas, and any other matters pertinent to the
> conference. Any conference attendee is welcome to submit a presentation
> to the Rump Session Chair (to be announced at the conference). This
> submission should consist of a talk title, the name of the presenter,
> and, if desired, a very brief abstract. Submissions may be sent via
> e-mail, or submitted in person in the morning on the day of the
> session.
> Student Stipends
> IFCA is seeking funding to continue its program of financial support
> specifically for students attending FC, and students are encouraged to
> submit work in anticipation that funding will be found. Previous grants
> prioritized students presenting at the conference or associated
> workshops and students fresh to the field, but all students are
> encouraged to apply. If you are interested in applying for stipend
> support, please email the FC19 general chair at
> fc19general at ifca.ai with
> subject line "student stipend" and a letter of support from your thesis
> supervisor or home institution confirming your student status and
> stating that a stipend would help make it possible for you to
> attend the
> conference.
> Program Chairs
> Ian Goldberg University of Waterloo, CA
> Tyler Moore The University of Tulsa, USA
> Program Committee
> Shashank Agrawal Visa Research, US
> Ross Anderson Cambridge University, UK
> Elli Androulaki IBM Research - Zurich, CH
> Diego F. Aranha Aarhus University, DK / University of
> Campinas, BR
> Frederik Armknecht University of Mannheim, DE
> Foteini Baldimtsi George Mason University, US
> Iddo Bentov Cornell Tech, US
> Alex Biryukov University of Luxembourg, LU
> Jeremiah Blocki Purdue University, US
> Rainer Böhme Universität Innsbruck, AT
> Joseph Bonneau New York University, US
> Alvaro A. Cardenas University of Texas at Dallas, US
> Pern Hui Chia Google, CH
> Sonia Chiasson Carleton University, CA
> Nicolas Christin Carnegie Mellon University, US
> Jeremy Clark Concordia University, CA
> Gaby Dagher Boise State University, US
> George Danezis University College London, UK
> Matteo Dell'Amico Symantec Research Labs, FR
> Maria Dubovitskaya IBM Research - Zurich, CH
> Benjamin Edwards IBM Research, US
> Tariq Elahi University of Edinburgh, UK
> William Enck North Carolina State University, US
> Ittay Eyal Technion, IL
> Antonio Faonio IMDEA Software, ES
> Simone Fischer-Hübner Karlstad University, SE
> Bryan Ford EPFL, CH
> Stephanie Forrest Arizona State, US
> Juan Garay Texas A&M University, US
> Christina Garman Purdue University, US
> Matthew D. Green Johns Hopkins University, US
> Rachel Greenstadt Drexel University, US
> Jens Grossklags Technical University of Munich, DE
> Feng Hao Newcastle University, UK
> Ethan Heilman Boston University, US
> Urs Hengartner University of Waterloo, CA
> Ryan Henry University of Calgary, CA
> Nicholas Hopper University of Minnesota, US
> Philipp Jovanovic EPFL, CH
> Ghassan Karame NEC Laboratories Europe, DE
> Aniket Kate Purdue University, US
> Stefan Katzenbeisser Technische Universität Darmstadt, DE
> Florian Kerschbaum University of Waterloo, CA
> Markulf Kohlweiss University of Edinburgh, UK
> Aron Laszka University of Houston, US
> Helger Lipmaa University of Tartu, EE
> Wouter Lueks EPFL, CH
> Kanta Matsuura The University of Tokyo, JP
> Travis Mayberry US Naval Academy, US
> Patrick McCorry King's College London, UK
> Catherine Meadows US Naval Research Laboratory, US
> Ian Miers Cornell Tech, US
> Andrew Miller University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US
> Malte Möser Princeton University, US
> Satoshi Obana Hosei University, JP
> Olya Ohrimenko Microsoft Research, UK
> Simon Oya University of Vigo, ES
> Elizabeth A. Quaglia Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
> Stefanie Roos TU Delft, NL
> Reihaneh Safavi-Naini University of Calgary, CA
> Kazue Sako NEC, JP
> Max Schuchard University of Tennessee, US
> abhi shelat Northeastern University, US
> Douglas Stebila University of Waterloo, CA
> Luke Valenta University of Pennsylvania, US
> Marie Vasek University of New Mexico, US
> Marko Vukolic IBM Research - Zurich, CH
> Eric Wustrow University of Colorado Boulder, US
> Zhenfeng Zhang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of
> Sciences, CN
> Aviv Zohar The Hebrew University, IL
> This conference is organized annually by the International Financial
> Cryptography Association.
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