[Cryptography] Caches considered harmful

Henry Baker hbaker1 at pipeline.com
Sat Jan 6 10:50:16 EST 2018

Bottom line: we're painfully repeating Santayana's lesson about history,
but in this case, the lessons learned from the *padding* and *compression*
attacks on encryption.  HW (and SW) caches are a form of compression (in
time) and therefore the timing side-channel leaks plaintext information
in a similar manner to compression attacks.


"Compression and Information Leakage of Plaintext

"John Kelsey, Certicom

"The compression side-channel differs from side-channels described in [Koc96] [KSHW00] [KJY00] in two important ways:
1. It reveals information about plaintext, rather than key material.
2. It is a property of the algorithm, not the implementation.  That is, ***any implementation of the compression*** algorithm will be equally vulnerable."

Of course, invoking Santayana is doubly ironic in the context of caching!

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