[Cryptography] How Google's Physical Keys Will Protect Your Password

Paul F Fraser paulf at a2zliving.com
Tue Oct 31 16:02:48 EDT 2017

On 31/10/2017 6:42 PM, John Levine wrote:
> FIDO U2F, of which Yubikey is an implementation, is an interesting
> hack.  It's a USB dongle that pretends to be a keyboard.  That means
> it works on any device into which you can plug a real USB keyboard,
> which is a lot of devices.  It's an open spec, so there are multiple
> manufacturers.  I have both a couple of yubikeys and a couple from
> some French company that was cheaper.
> There is an NFC version that's supposed to work with phones, which I
> haven't tried.  Reports say they don't work as well, dunno why not
> although an obvious reason is that the NFC interface is less well
> debugged if you're not using it to pretend to be a contactless credit
> card.

Possibly related if you have some minutes to spare.

Paul Fraser

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