[Cryptography] Bizarre behavior of a non-smart mobile phone

J.M. Porup jm at porup.com
Sun May 14 22:21:32 EDT 2017

On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 12:37:24AM -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> We can wonder why the firmware, drivers, or device is bad, but
> I can't think of any reason why anyone benefits from this behavior
> so I doubt that it's a deliberate act unless the motive is pure
> malice.  Malice does not usually suffice to motivate something as
> complicated as that behavior [...]

Malice motivated GCHQ's dirty tricks unit, JTRIG, to engage in similar
cell phone shenanigans.

According to the Snowden docs, dirty tricks "effects" ops have become
a major part of the GCHQ's activities, including:

        BURLESQUE "is the capabiltiy to send spoofed SMS text messages."

        CANNONBALL "is the capability to send repeated text messages to a
        single target."

        IMPERIAL BARGE "For connecting two target phone together in a call."

        and many more [0]

Their motive is pure malice:

        Change the photos on their social networking sites...you have
        been warned "JTRIG is about!!"
        Can take paranoia to a whole new level [1]

The documents I quote are from 2012, and we may be sure that the
malice cultivated by GCHQ has only gotten more evil--and that similar
capabilities have emerged at spy agencies elsewhere around the world.

Jumping to the conclusion that all possible cell phone malfunction is
a JTRIG op would of course be foolish, but it would be equally foolish
to stick our heads in the sand and pretend such malice does not exist
in the world.


[0] https://theintercept.com/document/2014/07/14/jtrig-tools-techniques/
[1] http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/msnbc/sections/news/snowden_cyber_offensive1_nbc_document.pdf

J.M. Porup

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