[Cryptography] 1984! US Senate Launches Forfeiture and Crypto / Cash / Assets / Prepaid War

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 13:18:30 EDT 2017

>> https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/6hbis7/us_congress_going_full_1984_on_bitcoin_and_assets/
>> https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6hbhnp/americans_heads_up_congress_is_trying_to_pass_a/
>> https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/6hccra/senate_bill_s_1241_is_an_attempt_to_end/

>> https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1241/text
>> http://www.article78againstnydfs.com/advocacy.php
>> https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/about/members
>> https://cohesionsoftware.github.io/

>> With an *****average age of 73*****, the 4 Senators that cosponsored
>> this bill are:

> As having a degree in maths and stats, would that be the mean, the median,
> or the mode?  There is no such thing as "average".

Umm sooo... Governments around the world trying their hardest to shutdown
amazing cool nascent technologies that many of you cryptographers develop,
thus have a personal interest in seeing prosper... such as Decentralized
Digital Currencies... and the only thing you muster to say is...
"What's average"
and walk away from the table when the life of your offspring becomes

Yeah, that's average.

If you put even far less than 1/100 of the time spent researching,
coding, debugging your offspring... into supporting it politically...
it might actually survive past the age of 10. If not, it won't.
That's child abuse.

# "Donations" - Finance, Securities, Investment, Insurance, Real Estate, Lawyers

These people and entities are lost, scared, lack understanding,
and see only one path... reactionary against.

Reach out and give them community, philosophy, alternative directions,
the whole deal.


Or as some have done regarding crypto messaging like Signal,
simply show them how to accept / hide crypto donations to the
point that hobbling Digital Currencies would prevent certain of
their own uses.

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