[Cryptography] Virtual tour of Bletchley Park

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Wed Jun 7 13:18:18 EDT 2017

In article <alpine.BSF.2.20.1706070602160.14149 at aneurin.horsfall.org> you write:
>I know there are Greenkeyers interested in the Museum of Computing at Bletchley
>Park and I thought they'd be interested in this item sent to me by the IEE.


It's pretty cool, looking around the room at Colossus and EDSAC via
Google Cardboard.  Having been there, I can confirm that's what it
looks like.

For anyone interested in Enigma and the Bombe, you won't find them.
There are two separate museums at Bletchley, and the Enigma stuff is
in the other one.


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