[Cryptography] Proof-of-key blockchain

Camille Harang mammique at garbure.org
Wed Aug 23 18:32:57 EDT 2017

Le 24/08/2017 à 00:12, Camille Harang a écrit :
> About the KISS principle of my proposal

I forgot to mention that there is no heuristic approximation on how to
analyses the cacophony and identify bad nodes, in "cacophony mode" each
node downloads only one copy of each different forked block (not much
bandwith required) and their individual signatures of each reward-key
(few thousands, but very light network packets). So each node have the
very same integral snapshot of the entirety of the network state and
data, there is no heuristic guessing, pooling, randomizing, etc.
algorithm here, the very same algorithm is applied on every node with
the same data, so they get the very same strict resulting solution. The
solution is not to determine which block is valid, they all are invalid,
but to determine which node to ban for starting over with a cleaned network.

Thank you,


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