[Cryptography] [cryptography] Email encryption for the wider public

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Sun Sep 21 10:43:59 EDT 2014

>She can send you email at derek at ihtfp.com once, and when your replies
>all come from:
>  From: Derek Atkins <lkjasdflksdlkjp2338tnlsdfh848492-hds8fs0D at ihtfp.com>
>then when she replies to you, she'll be sending encrypted emails.  But
>there's another problem. ...

This sounds just like S/MIME, with the minor exception that S/MIME
puts the key in the MIME body.  Once I send you a S/MIME signed
message your MUA can put my key in your address book, and you can send
me encrypted mail.  This has worked in MUAs since forever.

>  Anybody can send her email like this:

Right.  S/MIME's solution was to require keys to be signed by a well
known CA, but we know how well that works in practice.


PS: Addresses that include keying info have patent issues.  See Zoemail.

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