[Cryptography] [cryptography] Email encryption for the wider public

John Gilmore gnu at toad.com
Fri Sep 19 00:57:11 EDT 2014

> There is absolutely no way my mom could send me an email to
> <KEYID>@dom.ain.  It's just not going to happen.  There's no way she
> could type it in.  There's no way she could remember it.  Sure, once it
> gets into her address book she doesn't need to remember it again,
> however how does it *get* into her address book?

That's solvable, but it doesn't help.

She can send you email at derek at ihtfp.com once, and when your replies
all come from:

  From: Derek Atkins <lkjasdflksdlkjp2338tnlsdfh848492-hds8fs0D at ihtfp.com>

then when she replies to you, she'll be sending encrypted emails.  But
there's another problem.  Anybody can send her email like this:

  From: Derek Atkins <kljasdfoiu347323h3478239-guoHFDH at completely.different>

and she can't tell which is the real Derek -- and she may even start
sending her replies to that address, since any gobbledygook address is
as good as any other one.  But, but, but... letting her know she's
talking to the right Derek is a big part of what encrypted emails are
supposed to provide.


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