[Cryptography] List of Proven Secure Ciphers / Hashes

Ryan Carboni ryacko at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 13:45:20 EDT 2014

> The Blum-Blum-Shub algorithm for generating random numbers,
> given a good key and a secure system to run on, is provably
> secure.
> There's a paper by Even & Mansour proving security for an
> XOR-permutation-XOR structure, and many follow-up papers
> on variants of the scheme or attacks on it; none of the attacks
> violate Even & Mansour's bound, though some reach it. I have
> proposed a cipher using that structure:
> https://aezoo.compute.dtu.dk/doku.php?id=enchilada

Excessively secure and I suggest reversing the operations. Use single round
AES to encrypt the 3 nonce words and the single counter word. That reduces
the predictability of the inputs for ChaCha, increasing it's security equal
to that of CryptMT. And then hash the variables using ChaCha8.
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