[Cryptography] IETF discussion on new ECC curves.

Billy Brumley bbrumley at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 20:37:37 EDT 2014

> It isn't all I do. But these curves are being picked for TLS which
> means they would impact PKIX which means they will effectively choose
> the default curves for everything.

I'm sure you've put more thought into it than me but I'll throw it out
there. Curve25519 (or any curve that isn't in Weierstrass form) will
not necessarily be compatible with ECC software libs than are not up
to state-of-the-art ECC (which is pretty much all SW people use). So
do you have a buy in from all the relevant software owners that they
will add the support and maintain it? A lot of these libs were based
on old standards where Weierstrass is all people did.

I honestly don't care either way (because I don't think it matters
security wise), but just think you should consider what the actual
software impact will be for the choice.


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