[Cryptography] Google proposes a Web of Trust replacement to solve the key distribution problem.

Udhay Shankar N udhay at pobox.com
Thu Aug 28 23:02:40 EDT 2014

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 3:23 AM, Phil Pennock
<md-cryptography at spodhuis.org> wrote:

> So take that same principle, but then make the history absolutely
> immutable by design, while holding data about personally identifiable
> information (name + email), make it very public, with complete history
> (not just current view) and try to scale it out to every email user.
> Spammers will have a field day.

Some of this is addressed in the comments at the URL I posted, e.g by
listing a hash of the email address instead of the address itself.


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