[Cryptography] Fwd: [IP] RSA Response to Media Claims Regarding NSA Relationship

Thierry Moreau thierry.moreau at connotech.com
Sat Dec 28 12:42:32 EST 2013

Tom Mitchell wrote:
> I think it is important that US ITAR legislation had astounding and strict rules
> about cryptography as a munition.

> One IPsec project at a largish TLA company was hobbled
> back to one
> engineer because the market was too small for the legal work required to
> deliver it.

I am of the opinion that this is precisely the greatest victory of ITAR 
regimes (i.e. COCOM then Wassenaar): to shrink the market for sound IT 
security solutions using cryptographic techniques to a point where this 
industry segment would be essentially ineffective.

> Today the rules and players are different.

But due to "the power of the installed base," the above-mentioned 
victory is still highly influential.

- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
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