[Cryptography] Size of the PGP userbase?

Yaron Sheffer yaronf.ietf at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 14:08:56 EST 2013

> Takeup of PGP and S/MIME seems to be very much like takeup for IPSEC.
> There are some big intranet deployments and possibly a few extranet
> deployments.
> What is the gap we have to close to turn this on by default?

IPsec is mostly inside enterprises, so actual deployment can only be
counted by asking the vendors (who won't say) or the open source
providers (who don't have reliable numbers).

I don't know what part of encrypted email is done by individuals and
what part is enterprise. But since email in general is becoming less
and less cool, I suspect email encryption will over time become more
of an enterprise thing, and therefore even harder to measure.


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