Truncating SHA2 hashes vs shortening a MAC for ZFS Crypto

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko at
Mon Nov 2 00:33:34 EST 2009

Dear Darren J Moffat:

I don't understand why you need a MAC when you already have the hash  
of the ciphertext.  Does it have something to do with the fact that  
the checksum is non-cryptographic by default ( 
docs/doc/819-5461/ftyue?a=view ), and is that still true?  Your  
original design document [1] said you needed a way to force the  
checksum to be SHA-256 if encryption was turned on.  But back then  
you were planning to support non-authenticating modes like CBC.  I  
guess once you dropped non-authenticating modes then you could relax  
that requirement to force the checksum to be secure.

Too bad, though!  Not only are you now tight on space in part because  
you have two integrity values where one ought to do, but also a  
secure hash of the ciphertext is actually stronger than a MAC!  A  
secure hash of the ciphertext tells whether the ciphertext is right  
(assuming the hash function is secure and implemented correctly).   
Given that the ciphertext is right, then the plaintext is right  
(given that the encryption is implemented correctly and you use the  
right decryption key).  A MAC on the plaintext tells you only that  
the plaintext was chosen by someone who knew the key.  See what I  
mean?  A MAC can't be used to give someone the ability to read some  
data while withholding from them the ability to alter that data.  A  
secure hash can.

One of the founding ideas of the whole design of ZFS was end-to-end  
integrity checking.  It does that successfully now, for the case of  
accidents, using large checksums.  If the checksum is secure then it  
also does it for the case of malice.  In contrast a MAC doesn't do  
"end-to-end" integrity checking.  For example, if you've previously  
allowed someone to read a filesystem (i.e., you've given them access  
to the key), but you never gave them permission to write to it, but  
they are able to exploit the isses that you mention at the beginning  
of [1] such as "Untrusted path to SAN", then the MAC can't stop them  
from altering the file, nor can the non-secure checksum, but a secure  
hash can (provided that they can't overwrite all the way up the  
Merkle Tree of the whole pool and any copies of the Merkle Tree root  

Likewise, a secure hash can be relied on as a dedupe tag *even* if  
someone with malicious intent may have slipped data into the pool.   
An insecure hash or a MAC tag can't -- a malicious actor could submit  
data which would cause a collision in an insecure hash or a MAC tag,  
causing tag-based dedupe to mistakenly unify two different blocks.

So, since you're tight on space, it would be really nice if you could  
tell your users to use a secure hash for the checksum and then  
allocate more space to the secure hash value and less space to the  
now-unnecessary MAC tag.  :-)

Anyway, if this is the checksum which is used for dedupe then  
remember the birthday so-called paradox -- some people may be  
uncomfortable with the prospect of not being able to safely dedupe  
their 2^64-block storage pool if the hash is only 128 bits, for  
example.  :-)  Maybe you could include the MAC tag in the dedupe  

Also, the IVs for GCM don't need to be random, they need only to be  
unique.  Can you use a block number and birth number or other such  
guaranteed-unique data instead of storing an IV?  (Apropos recent  
discussion on the cryptography list [2].)



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