consulting question.... (DRM)

John Ioannidis ji at
Sat May 30 00:43:39 EDT 2009

John Gilmore wrote:
> PPS: On a consulting job one time, I helped my customer patch out the
> license check for some expensive Unix circuit simulation software they
> were running.  They had bought a faster, newer machine and wanted to
> run it there instead of on the machine they'd bought the "node-locked"
> license for.  The faster their simulation ran, the easier my job was.
> Actually, I think we patched the Unix kernel or C library that the
> program depended upon, rather than patch the program; it was easier.

Kernel. Instead of calling the subroutine that would retrieve the 32-bit 
hostid from the PROM, you just did a load immediate with the right 
number.  The instructions were the same length, so everything worked fine :)

Not that I know of any places that actually did this, of course :)


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