Botnets on Unix

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Sat Jan 19 13:55:52 EST 2008

At 11:04 AM 1/18/2008, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>  More than half the servers on the Internet -
>the very most desirable machines for botnet operators,
>because they have huge storage and huge bandwidth - run
>some form of Unix, and yet, since 1981 and the Morris Worm,
>you've never heard of a botnet composed of Unix machines!

Of course there've been Unix botnets, though most of them
were a few years ago and not as tightly integrated as the current ones
(or as the Morris worm, which was in 1988.)
Stacheldraht was a DDOS tool from ~1999 running in Linux and Solaris;
it was related to Trinoo and Tribe Flood Network which had similar features,
but I'm not sure what OS those ran on.
says there were several thousand machines running it.

I found it running on a RedHat 6 machine in my lab a few years back,
chatting away with a university machine in Sweden.
It had broken in through a wu-ftpd hole, so it was appropriate
that the next time somebody broke into that machine the
botnet controller was from Washington University.
Another attack looked like it was from MIT, but Jeff Schiller said
it was actually from somebody in Japan that had byte order problems
in the target IP address, so it was probably a Sparc machine.

In contrast, nobody ever bothered the Win95 machine on the same DSL circuit,
but it wasn't running any servers.
Both of them were running on 60-75 MHz Pentium hardware.

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