Fingerprint Firefox Plugin?

Dave Howe DaveHowe at
Wed Oct 24 03:28:05 EDT 2007

Arcane Jill wrote:
> Can anyone tell me... is there a Firefox plugin which allows one to 
> view the fingerprint of the SSL certificate of each page you visit 
> (e.g. in the status bar or address bar or something)?

   Never needed one. The hoops involved aren't THAT large, at least in
the version I use - click the padlock icon in the right hand side of the
navigation (address/url) box, then the "view" button on the page that

> Better still if it can learn which ones you trust, but just being 
> able to view them without having to jump through hoops would be a 
> good start.

you can manually approve certificates of course, however there are a few 
tools I find useful.

this one remembers which certificates were (mistakenly) presented by 
which domains, so it won't ask you again. it also does something similar 
to allow already-expired certs to function.

the author has a blog here where he discusses aspects of the tool and 
related technologies:

currently he is blogging about a recently checked-in patch that will add 
similar functionality natively to Firefox, and changes to a host's cert 
that makes it redundant for Thunderbird.

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