Password hashing

Damien Miller djm at
Fri Oct 12 19:32:44 EDT 2007

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, james hughes wrote:

> I forgot to add the links...
> On Oct 11, 2007, at 10:19 PM, james hughes wrote:
> > A proposal for a new password hashing based on SHA-256 or SHA-512 has been
> > proposed by RedHat but to my knowledge has not had any rigorous analysis.
> > The motivation for this is to replace MD-5 based password hashing at banks
> > where MD-5 is on the list of "do not use" algorithms. I would prefer not to
> > have the discussion "MD-5 is good enough for this algorithm" since it is not
> > an argument that the customers requesting these changes are going to accept.

Some comments:

* Use of an off-the-shelf algorithm like SHA1 might be nice for "tick here
  for FIPS certification", but they render the hashing scheme more
  vulnerable to dictionary attacks assisted by (near-)commodity hardware.
  Contrast with OpenBSD's blowfish scheme, which is deliberately designed
  to not be implementable using off-the-shelf crypto accelerator chips.

* Hideously obfuscated and overcomplicated. Comments like those on step 11
  of the algorithm (some mumbo jumbo about a completely deterministic step
  "adding randomness") and the absence of any rationale for the complexity
  seem to indicate that they believe a complicated design will somehow
  thwart attacks by itself.

* Why specify the number of rounds directly? Most password and KDF schemes
  use an exponential scheme to match Moore's law.


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