More info in my AES128-CBC question

Travis H. travis+ml-cryptography at
Wed Apr 25 23:58:01 EDT 2007

On Wed, Apr 25, 2007 at 05:42:44PM -0500, Nicolas Williams wrote:
> A confounder is an extra block of random plaintext that is prepended to
> a message prior to encryption with a block cipher in CBC (or CTS) mode;
> the resulting extra block of ciphertext must also be sent to the peer.

Not true.  Since we are comparing confounders to IVs, let's make identical
assumptions; that the value is somehow agreed upon in advance.

Then, one need not send it; the receiver can compute C_(i-1) = E_k(confounder)
without actually having it sent to him, and from there
continue decryption with P_i = C_(i-1) xor D_k(C_i) and so on.

> If the
> IV chained across continguous messages as in SSHv2 then you have a
> problem (see above).

I don't fully understand what it means to have IVs chained across
contiguous (?) messages, as in CBC mode each ciphertext block forms
the "IV" of the block after it, effectively; basically an IV is just
C_0 for some stream.

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