simple (&secure??) PW-based web login (was Re: Another entryin theinternet security hall of shame....)

Amir Herzberg herzbea at
Thu Sep 15 04:45:23 EDT 2005

Some clarification of the proposal:

client has dedicated pw(server) to each server (today's situation). 
Client is supposed to be able to identify server based on the server's 
certificate etc., e.g. using TrustBar over regular browser.
Client also installs the pw-based login extension, and provides it with 
a `master pw` MPW.

Init1: client establishes SSL connection with server, to access login 
page. Let PK be the public key of the server.

Init2: server sends login form, with indication of support for secure login

Init3: extension identified this is a secure login, presents special 
window asking client to provide pw(server), and MPW if not provided yet, 
and to authenticate server (based on certificate).

Init4: extension generates random number and saves it as R(PK) - random 
number for this particular server (as identified by its public key PK)

Init5: extension sends to server, inside the SSL connection, a secure 
login submission, containing:
   1. pw(server) as (only) current means of client authentication
   2. h(h(MPW, R(PK))) - The value h(MPW, R(PK)) will be the `one time 
password` to be used in next login (we could also use a `hash chain` 
here but I removed it for simpicity and since it does not change much)

Init6: server verifies pw(server) (old password) and stores the received 
  h(h(MPW, R(PK))) as the hash of the new PW. It sends ack to the client 
(again protected by SSL).

Init7: upon receipt of ack, client knows pw was updated.

Regular login is pretty similar:

RL1: client establishes SSL connection with server, to access login 
page. Let PK be the public key of the server.

RL2: server sends login form, with indication of support for secure login

RL3: extension identified this is a secure login, presents special 
window asking client to provide MPW if not provided yet.

RL4: extension sends to server, inside the SSL connection, a secure 
login submission, containing:
   1. h(MPW, R(PK)) - The `one time password`
   2. h(h(MPW, r')) - a new one-time-pw validator for next login

R5: server verifies OTP (i.e. h(MPW, R(PK))), if OK, login is approved 
and saves new OTP validator h(h(MPW,r')). It sends ack to the client 
(again protected by SSL).

R6: upon receipt of ack, client knows pw was updated: R(PK)=r'.

This description glosses over dealing with failures, but this is not 
difficult; I also don't discuss how to support users of `public` PCs and 
changing PCs, solutions are possible.
Best regards,

Amir Herzberg

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Bar Ilan University
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