[Clips] Sony suspends copy-protection scheme on CDs
R. A. Hettinga
rah at shipwright.com
Fri Nov 11 18:24:28 EST 2005
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Subject: [Clips] Sony suspends copy-protection scheme on CDs
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The San Jose Mercury News
Posted on Fri, Nov. 11, 2005?
Sony suspends copy-protection scheme on CDs
WASHINGTON (AP) - Stung by continuing criticism, the world's second-largest
music label, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, promised Friday to temporarily
suspend making music CDs with antipiracy technology that can leave
computers vulnerable to hackers.
Sony defended its right to prevent customers from illegally copying music
but said it will halt manufacturing CDs with the ``XCP'' technology as a
precautionary measure. ``We also intend to re-examine all aspects of our
content protection initiative to be sure that it continues to meet our
goals of security and ease of consumer use,'' the company said in a
The antipiracy technology, which works only on Windows computers, prevents
customers from making more than a few copies of the CD and prevents them
from loading the CD's songs onto Apple Computer's popular iPod portable
music players. Some other music players, which recognize Microsoft's
proprietary music format, would work.
Sony's announcement came one day after leading security companies disclosed
that hackers were distributing malicious programs over the Internet that
exploited the antipiracy technology's ability to avoid detection. Hackers
discovered they can effectively render their programs invisible by using
names for computer files similar to ones cloaked by the Sony technology.
A senior Homeland Security official cautioned entertainment companies
against discouraging piracy in ways that also make computers vulnerable.
Stewart Baker, assistant secretary for policy at DHS, did not cite Sony by
name in his remarks Thursday but described industry efforts to install
hidden files on consumers' computers.
``It's very important to remember that it's your intellectual property,
it's not your computer,'' Baker said at a trade conference on piracy. ``And
in the pursuit of protection of intellectual property, it's important not
to defeat or undermine the security measures that people need to adopt in
these days.''
Sony's program is included on about 20 popular music titles, including
releases by Van Zant and The Bad Plus.
``This is a step they should have taken immediately,'' said Mark
Russinovich, chief software architect at Winternals Software who discovered
the hidden copy-protection technology Oct. 31 and posted his findings on
his Web log. He said Sony did not admit any wrongdoing, nor did it promise
not to use similar techniques in the future.
Security researchers have described Sony's technology as ``spyware,''
saying it is difficult to remove, transmits without warning details about
what music is playing, and that Sony's notice to consumers about the
technology was inadequate. Sony executives have rejected the description of
their technology as spyware.
Some leading antivirus companies updated their protective software this
week to detect Sony's antipiracy program, disable it and prevent it from
After Russinovich criticized Sony, it made available a software patch that
removed the technology's ability to avoid detection. It also made more
broadly available its instructions on how to remove the software
permanently. Customers who remove the software are unable to listen to the
music CD on their computer.
On the Web:
Sony's XCP Page: http://cp.sonybmg.com/xcp
Russinovich's Blog: www.sysinternals.com/Blog
Symantec warning:
Computer Associates warning:
R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at ibuc.com>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at ibuc.com>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
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