$90 for high assurance _versus_ $349 for low assurance

Peter Gutmann pgut001 at cs.auckland.ac.nz
Tue Mar 15 08:23:49 EST 2005

Ian G <iang at systemics.com> writes:

>Or is this merely a distinction in adspace only?  Just a way to separate more
>dollars from Alice?

It's a distinction in adspace only, in the same way that you're expected to
think that a $200 DVD play from Sony Corp is better than a $40 player from Foo
Yuk Corp (obviously enough people think that way that the $200 ones still
sell, even if a feature-by-feature comparison shows the $40 one is better). 
In other words the charge-more-for-the-name model seems to work as well here
as it does elsewhere.

(Note that Verisign do perform more extensive checking for the more expensive
grades of cert, but whether that's worth several hundred dollars is an open
question.  Certainly with UIXC it's not worth anything).


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