1997 RSA DES Challenge

Matt Curtin cmcurtin at interhack.net
Wed Mar 6 17:10:21 EST 2002


I'm writing a book about the 1997 DESCHALL project, tentatively
entitled /Brute Force/.  I'm using a lot of my own notes and whatnot
from the period to reconstruct the whole story.  If anyone else has
anything that would be helpful for putting the story back together,
including the activity in other efforts, political goings-on from the
period, etc., I'd be very grateful to receive them.

Specifically, I'd like to get ahold of:
 o SolNET stats, project milestones
 o SGI DES Challenge stats, project milestones
 o DES Violation Group stats, project milestones

I've been recently in touch with Rocke Verser and Justin Dolske and
would also love to hear from other DESCHALL developers.

/Brute Force/ is intended to be the story of the project, including
basically enough technology for the reader to understand just what we
did and how we did it, without becoming a book on DES key cracking
optimization.  The focus in the story, the groups and people involved,
with the political, legal, and Internet computing threads woven
throughout the story.  I'm hoping to have it finished in time to be in
stores on the fifth anniversary of our success.

(Yes, it's been five years!)

Thanks in advance for any data, pointers, or other help in getting
this story told.

Matt Curtin, Founder  Interhack Corporation  http://web.interhack.com/
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