building a true RNG (was: Quantum Computing ...)

John S. Denker jsd at
Tue Jul 23 10:03:40 EDT 2002

Derek Atkins wrote:
> > OK, we have DES as an example of a whitener.
> > -- Can somebody give me an example of a "simple hash"
> > that performs "irreversible compression" of the required
> > kind?
> I can give you a number of examples:  MD5, SHA-1, ....

Sorry, no, that doesn't answer the question.  
 -- I already use SHA-1.
 -- It is considered a strong cryptologic hash that doesn't
    need whitening.
 -- I am told (but don't understand) that there might exist
    a weaker hash that somehow does require whitening.  This
    is the point of the conversation.  Please address this
    point if you can.

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